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The Grits

Most great things in life are born when their creator has a specific purpose in mind to fulfill. While may not count as one of those great things in life to you, and though it may, at this time, appear to be a mishmosh of clutter, it does indeed possess a binding cause; a reason for existence. Which is more than can be said for most of us.

I write short stories and poems extensively. No one ever sees or appreciates them. Publishing is a bitch. The world wide web is another story. Huge audience, ease of use. Therefore, I can not only showcase the fantastic stuff I've written, but have acquired a new medium through which I can allow my creative juices to flow.
Yes. It is important that I allow them to flow, otherwise there is a buildup of creativity in my brain and I consequently go postal in my rabid desire to express myself.

Summers and weekends are a big joke. Without structured activity, school, or a job, my cells slowly deteriorate for lack of use. With thousands of adoring fans counting down until the next website update, I finally have something to do.

It's handy to point new people, flesh-and-blood or otherwise, to my own little cozy cyberbungalow. Because, believe it or not, I do tire of talking about myself after awhile.

Wait, I built this website in order to entertain people? Ha.
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