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A large silver metal door swings open into a downtown Seattle nightclub. There are no signs on the exterior of the building but a stranger once told you it was where basically, "Anything goes". Over your dismal pathetic years you'd finally decided you were in need of some action, of any sort. Standing in the doorway, Seattle's ice cold breeze seems to have leaked into the club and as your naïve mortal eyes are yet to become accustomed to the unusually dark atmosphere; You pull your jacket tightly around you…

"Tisk, tisk, a dead giveaway".

As you prepare to step in, a couple brutally push pass you. A large heavily muscled man in a leather jacket and aesthetically torn jeans and… is that? Yes it is, a shown off shotgun is holstered to his back. Under his arm is a petite woman wearing minimal clothing. As your gaze meets hers you hear a distinct female voice in your mind;

"Exquisite bone structure darling".

The two disappear amongst the other dark figures and you disregard any thoughts of the unusual or supernatural;


To the left is the bar, and along the entire length a variety of people are mingling, drinking or just sitting. There are a few observing. A few are observing you. A tender serves people absently and you even notice a woman lounging across the bar itself. Past the length of the bar are two doors marked male and female. There are the restrooms you think;

"How perceptive you are".

Along the back wall is a single door and beside it is a hallway entrance. On the door there is a sign but you can't make it out from this distance;

"Perhaps you should step in… a little further".

Along the entire length of the right wall, opposite the bar, is an array of booths furnished with red velvet seats, a perfect blend with the plush maroon carpet of the club floor. They too are spotted with more figures drinking, smoking, and watching. Too your immediate right there are a number of arranged tables, chairs and a few semi-circled couches positioned in view of a large dance floor in the center of the club. You hear a cracked voice of a flamboyant individual, and suddenly a spotlight focuses on a stage just beyond the dance floor revealing and odd character performing exsentracly to a vaguely entertained audience, "My way". Shaking your head slightly your whisper, "Lunatic", and continue to watch the sinister performance.

Suddenly you finally feel my presence and twist your head around to my glare. I've in fact been following you from where you parked your car and I've been listening to your everythought. You are hypnotically tranced by my deceiving innocent dark eyes and I'm afraid if I deny my thirst any longer my fellow kindred will suffer the consequence of my frenzy, and we don't want that now, do we? So close your eyes, or keep them open, from what I remember this doesn't feel half bad … not that I care.

As you helplessly feel the darkness of death cloud your eyes in the pleasurable pinch of my bite, there is a maniacal laughter flooding your ears and between the cackling … the finale`…

"And I did it…. My Way!"

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