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Typan's Home Page

Hi..My name is Terri, known to most of you as Typan of Paddynet. I have started this page as a bet!!! *whispers* to Pegs and Markham, that I am gonna do it *G*.....

As most of you know I travelled to Ireland for the Paddy Bash *S*.....was great to meet alot of the people I have been talking to for 12 months, and I had a great time *S*.... And special thanks to Cavedog, for putting up with me *hug*......Heres some of the pics of us *relaxing*, for want of a better word *G*.....but some pics I just cant put on the net *wink* *L*.........Have only just started this page, so please be patient with me until I get it right *thanks* *S*

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Paddynet...My second home
Lacie's Homepage
Typan and Barfly
Cleo1, Cuchuliann and Cavedog
Terri.....About Me
Killroy's homepage
Baju's homepage
Typan And Baza
My Family
My kids
Spandex, Mers and Altargirl
Clint's Rugby Success
Mat's Skating Success

Email: tksmith@wn,