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Ever seen metal in a microwave?
This weapon fires microwaves at the enemy, inflicting 20 pts. damage.
This damage is more concentrated at close range, and spreads with further range.
Range=1= 20pts. to one hit location.
Range=2-4= 10pts. to two hit locations.
Range=5-8= 5pts. to four hit locations.
Range=9-12= 4pts. to five hit locations.
Range=13-16= 2pts. to ten hit locations.
Range=17-22= 1pt. to twenty hit locations.
Short= 1-6
Medium= 7-15
Long= 16-22
There is no visible effect; i.e. no light or smoke or sound, which will
give away the position of the firing 'mech.
Heat generated is 6
It requires 5 crit spaces, and weighs 8 tons.

Sagittarius Rounds
These are very long projectiles which impale 'mechs and then ignite.
Basically a big log of antimony/magnesium with a striker igniter
on the pointy end. The thing ignites while lodged in the body of the
target 'mech and burns with ferocious fury, causing further damage
and increasing the target's heat level very rapidly. It burns for
3 rounds, inflicting 4 points of damage on impact and two more each
of the next three rounds. The heat is also increased by the same amount.
The launcher holds ten such rounds, takes three crit slots, and weighs
eight tons. Each round weighs 1/2 ton; 5 crits needed for the 5 ton total.
If the ammo is hit by a critical hit, it ignites.

Sensor Scramblers
These require one crit in the head and two in the center torso.
This array weighs six tons, and consists of the control unit and
the onmidirectional antenna which can be focused into a single-
direction antenna if desired.
If in the omnidirectional mode, any 'mech attempting to fire upon
a 'mech with this equipment will do so as it it has suffered one
sensor hit.
Alternately, the antenna can be aimed at another 'mech to completely
block it's sensors. Treat this as any other attack, but do it first
in the round. A miss will result in no interference to the target's
sensors, while a hit will render that target 'mech unable to fire,
as if had suffered two sensor hits. While in the UNIdirectional mode,
the 'mechs own protection is lost, making it normally vulnerable to
attack from unaffected enemy 'mechs. The Ranges are as an ER PPC, Inner Sphere.

Continuous Cooling System
Weighing ten percent of the total 'mech's weight, and requiring one crit
per ton, this system is a bit costly. However, it can be well worth it!
This system has a pull-down capability of twenty heat points. The best
part, though, is that this system allows for variable heat pulldown.
The pilot can simply turn a knob to add or subtract extra heat as he
desires. This can allow for heavy weapon use or keeping the triple-
strength myomer at just the optimum operating temperature.
If it gets hit, however, all of the coolant is discharged in a mighty
blast that automatically knocks the 'mech down.

Electrolytic Yttrium Overloading Resonance Emitters.
Launched from a standard NARC beacon launcher, this weapon may well
take an enemy by surprise. Named for the classic Whinnie-The-Pooh
character Eyore, the donkey whose tail kept falling off and had to
be periodically pinned back into place. This is a weapon which,
like the NARC beacon, sticks to the outside of the target 'mech.
The device is made up of two halves. If both halves hit, the 'mech
so targeted will be zapped with very powerful T-wave electricity.
In effect, this is an anti-battlemech TASER gun.
If an arm or leg is hit it becomes immobilized. A piloting skill
roll will be needed for a leg hit. If a side torso is hit, then
it and it's corresponding arm and leg will be immobilized, again
requiring a piloting skill roll. If the center torso is hit the
'mech falls down, and if the head is hit the pilot suffers TWO hits
along with the 'mech falling down.
The electric discharge is very powerful, but rather short-lived.
The effect wears off at the beginning of the second round; that is,
only the round in which the target is hit and the one immediately
following are affected by the discharge.
All the stats are the same as for NARC systems.

Laser Focusing Prisms
These unusual items are a bit unwieldly, but the performance they provide can be worth it! Weighing in at only one-half a ton for each affected laser, but requiring two crits for the array, this array of prisms is mounted on the lasers of any one location, such as all the lasers one one arm. This prism array then focuses all the attached lasers into one beam of magnified power, losing only one point of effectiveness per laser*. The effect is that all the lasers, if fired simultaneously, will hit the same location. For example, a Komodo outfitted with these would not spread it's ten lasers all over a target, but concentrate them on only two hit locations, one for each Arm. It would cost four crits and five tons to outfit a Komodo, but it would gain the ability to hit two locations with 20* points of damage each. These devices are short-lived, however, being fine for a single battle but useless in a campaign. If damaged, the Prism become useless and the Mech Pilot must spend one entire round ejecting the damaged array before regaining the use of the affected lasers.
NOTE: The arrays may also be mounted backward, which allows any single laser to be split into multiple beams. Each beam has only a fraction of the original's power, but allows for multiple "to-hit" rolls to be made from one shot. Broken peices of a focusing array can often be salvaged in a campaign game and used in this way.

Battle Boots
These are just what they sound like, being big armored boots. They can be outfitted with cleats for added stability, or with spikes for additional kicking damage. Both crit slots in the legs are required to mount these. These boots double kicking damage, and provide additional leg armor. Any leg damage is subtracted from the boots first, and the Pilot gets a bonus to his skill roll. Should the leg suffer a critical hit, the affected boot will be shattered, resulting not only in the immediate loss of ALL the boot's remaining armor points, but in an automatic fall, no skill roll needed. The boots have armor points equal to 20% of the mech's total weight, each. For example, a 100-tonner would have twenty additional points of leg armor, in each leg, while wearing the boots. The WEIGHT of the boots is 5% of the total weight, so that same 100-tonner's boot would weigh five tons each. Expensive, but considering how that same mech could laugh at minefields and kick for 40 points of damage, it's worth it.

Mosquito Rounds
These little wonders can turn the tide of a battle in a hurry. Fired from a standard SRM6 launcher, this round punctures the target to a certain depth, and is stopped from going any deeper by a collet ring around it's middle. It inflicts no damage in this way.
However, after one turn, it activates. The first thing it does is start pumping the target mech's coolant out of the mech's body, spilling it on the ground. It pumps for three turns, removing enough coolant to raise the mech's heat by one point permanently.
THIS IS CUMULATIVE. Each Mosquito round that hits the target can raise the target's heat by one. Should an entire salvo of six hit the mark, that target mech will have it's heat raised by six points, permanently.
It the pilot of the affected mech stops and takes no other action, he can remove all of the little bloodsuckers before it is too late. Of course, this makes him a sitting duck, and THAT is the true purpose of the mosquito round.
Should the target mech ignore the mosquitoes beyond three turns, they switch gears and begin their second function. They then INJECT the mech with a crystallizing catalyst and oxidizer which destroys the remaining coolant in the mech. This results in the effective removal of the heatsinks, because the heatsinks can only function if the coolant can bring heat to them for elimination. The amount of extra heat this produces will of course vary depending on the design of the mech. If the heat increase from coolant loss in the first 3 turns should exceed the amount of heat that the loss of the heatsinks would have produced, then the heat buildup is limited to that of the amount that would result from heatsink loss, and the "Stage-2" damage is nullified.

Well, that does it for my contributions,
so send me YOUR ideas!

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