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My Daddy

To the family -- if you do not see a family member listed. Email me with the infomation for member to be added

"Daddy used to work in some kind of shop for Harry Samuel in Deatsville. I Don't known what kind of work he did there. I remember his coming home one day saying he had already picked out his coffin. He used to climb up in different coffins and said he was measuring himself to see if they fit him."
By: Virgie Maddox (daughter)

"My Daddy used to work us hard when we were little kids. He never worked too hard himself. He mostly did house work and garden work for people. He worked odd jobs and would dig graves. He always liked to have a good time, sometimes we would find him in a field and have to help him home."
By: Roscoe Richie (son)


"Grandpa loved children...he used to tell my daddy (Robert)...don't you bother those kids or I'll take my cane to you, shaking his cane at daddy. We used to love for him to come visit because we could get by with things when he was around and daddy wouldn't bother us. He reminded me of Santa Claus when he came because he was always bringing goodies."
By: Julia Mae Wheeler (grand-daughter)

"He used to give us nickels so we could but candy. He was a sweet person. He always brought us something when he came to visit. We would often meet him at the bus stop when he came to town."
By: Mattie Guthrie (grand-daughter)

"He whittled and carved baskets out of peach seeds with his pocket knife. When he stayed with us he was always telling stories. I remember eating peppermint and drinking castor oil with him. He was limble when did the buck dance, he would jump off the floor and click his heels together, He was the only grandparent I had and I'll always remember him dying the day before my 9th birthday."
By: Joyce Harris-Cotten (grand-daughter)

"He was a happy man and lived a long life. He loved to tell us stories about my daddy (Robert) when I was little. He looked like my daddy and uncles".
By: Shirley Dean McKenny (grand-daughter)

"He was sweet and kind. Loved to tell stories. He was a hard working man and very shy."
By: Frances Cooper (grand-daughter)

"He loved buttermilk and fried corn bread. He would cook cakes on top of the stove, slice them and eat with a big glass of milk."
By: Edna Mae Fischer (grand-daughter)

A Walking Man

"Grandpa would walk from the F.W. Owens' farm on highway 22 in Louisville to a little store in Worthington near Chamberlain Lane and back. This was approximately 14 miles, round trip."
By: Bobbie Wright (great grand-daughter)

Frog Gigging

"In Smithfield he loved to go hunting for rabbits, squirrels and groundhogs. He picked blackberries and hickory nuts. I used to go with him hunting and picking, except when he went gigging (catching) frogs. I couldn't go because you had to be real quite and still. I used to watch him from on top of the hill as he would go through the fields at night catching frogs, He made his own gig, he would work on it for days to get it like he wanted. When he went to catch frogs he would come back with molasses buckets filled with frogs. We would eat the hind legs. They were good eating."
By: Edna Mae Fischer (grand-daughter)

Grandpa and his pet snake

"Grandpa used to have a old black snake as a pet. It lived on another farm in a barn. He would take food everyday and feed the snake. He told us about it, but nobody believed him. Nobody could make a pet out of a black field snake. Every night he would come home and tell us about his snake. Then sure enough, one day he was coming down the road with the snake on a stick, slung over his shoulder and dragging the ground behind hm. It had to be more than 6 feet long because he was 6 feet tall himself."
By: Adna Mae Fischer (grand-daughter)

"One day Grandpa killed a black snake in Smithfield and hung it over his shoulder. The snake was so big, that even as tall as he was, the snake hung down to the ground. I still have a fear of snakes."
By: Bobbie Wright (great grand-daughter)


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