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Hi, my name is Teresa. I live in a town in Kentucky called Princeton. I'm 39 years old. I am married and have 5 kids, 2 human and 3 furry ones. My oldest is Cheryl, she is 24 and married to her teenage sweetheart Kevin. They have been happily married for almost 6 years. They plan on giving me a grandbaby this year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one.:) I also have a son named Emmett but we have called him Bubby since he was a baby. He is 21 years old and single. He still lives at home. I'm looking to unload him too if there are any nice girls out there who might be interested.*LOL* Next is my dogs. I have 3 long haired chihuahuas. Their names are Tiger, Teara and Lacey.They are my kid's now(alot cheaper than kid's too) ..Laughing..You would never believe how beautiful they are.So,Now about my hobbie's...LOL

Some of my hobbies are shopping, bowling and going out to flea markets(more shopping). I also enjoy the outdoors as well. I guess that's about it for me. I hope you e-mail me soon. Look forward to hearing from you!!!

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Life What A
Beautiful Choice!

Loretta Gladys

Adopted:August 10,1999

Stop Abortion Not A Beating Heart!