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Planet Home





Before I started to make this page I had a Prodigy web-site. I got fed up of doing that so I have decided to make a page about another band that I love, Jamiroquai. Ever since I bought "Traveling Without Moving" just after it came out I was hooked by the Jamiroquai sound. And since then I have got "Return of the Space Cowboy" and "Emergency on Planet Earth" to add to my collection. Now that I have seen them live, bought the new album and found out that there isn't many really good Jamiroquai sites I have decided to do something about it!

This little section is for my hello's and thanx. A big hello to Andrew (get your site on line you lazy git!) and Tom (Keep up the good work mate!). Also I would like to point out to the people who are thinking about writing annoying messages on my Guest book, I can safely say that there isn't going to be one! Ha Ha ! You are not going to f**k up this site like you did to the last one! Respect to all Jamiroquai fans out there, keep the vibe going!


The Albums

The band



Tour dates


 (All pages completed! And loads of new ones to come soon!)

I would be very greatful If you could fill in this Jamiroquai questionnaire! Thank you!

1. What is your favorite Jamiroquai album?

2. What is your favorite Jamiroquai single?

3. If you have seen Jamiroquai live would you rate them?

Final note! 

Most pictures have been taken from the album covers. The rest would have been taken from magazines but all have been scaned in by me. Feel free to take them for personal use but not for your website you theifing little ba**atrd!

This site is on-line thanx to:
