
07/14/01 - coexist, slow children, omega rage @ the biker church wonderful wonderful coexist show as always, the kids here only come out to shows when they know coexist is playing. this show jeff asked me to video .....i haven't seen it yet but i'm sure it's quite enjoyable. there were a couple of times (i'm sure this will be present in the video) when i got the crap knocked out of me by the crowd and the camera almost hit the floor so i had to move behind jeff on stage. chris also got knocked out by jeff's mike stand at the end of the set (got that on tape too!), mat busted up his finger, i think arthur hurt his finger too, and i believe ken almost fell! neat stuff.

06/26/01 - coexist, society's finest, and embraced @ the prince

society's finest was so stinkin' awesome! even though they were only a three piece, they rocked! these guys are so cool they had their own soap at the merch table....yes that's right....society's finest soap! i kid you not. if i woulda had more cash i would have bought all of them just because they were so darn cute. however i did get a cutie shirt, a sticker, and a neato button for my purse. knife fight was simply beautiful. coexist was awesome as always, blew the socks off travail and society's finest. i'll be looking forward to the future tour :)

06/09/01 - the juliana theory, the benjamins, and river city high @ the cotton club in Atlanta, GA

it's impossible to put this show into words on a screen without using the words "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!", "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", and "YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!". it was so freakin awesome, probably the best show i have yet to see. mic twiriling, arm slinging, hip shaking brett detar was full of energy and an extremely overall nice guy (he was nice enough to let chris take my picture with him!). this band is so great, i recommend them to all of you. brett says a new cd will be out sometime next spring. i also got tons of pictures of the show which will be up as soon as my wonderful and still the coolest man alive, fiance mat scans them all for me.

06/08/01 - coexist @turner music, Tazewell, TN

this show was quite possibly one of the best, if not the best coexist show i have had the pleasure of witnessing. you guys definately proved you are better than rednecks who need lyrics from other people's songs during their set.

see also rawr

06/02/01 - coexist (48 straight fest) @sevierville fair grounds, Sevierville, TN

i wish all the members, including the one with the negative comments after every show could have stood down with the crowd during this one. even though there were a few technical difficulties, (foot petals coming loose,& cords falling out of amps) the crowd absolutely loved it and probably couldn't have cared less if the entire stage would have fallen through as long as coexist kept playing. i noticed during two or three of the better known songs there were quite a few individuals screaming the words along with chris and absolutely going crazy in a very large pit. it was awesome, i only heard great, positive comments from those in the audience during the show as well as afterwards. heads should be held high instead of hanging them in shame, keep your eyes and hearts on your goal and most importantly be happy in what you have accomplished.

03/31/01 - coexist with human waste and thedickbandattempt @matt's place (Columbia, ky)

this show was packed with tons of kids! i bet there were 500 people there...susannah and i barely had standing room out in the crowd. coexist played two new songs that they've been working on and i was quite impressed. it sounded awesome. it would have been simply beautiful....if they didn't sound so much like limp bizkit. (if i had a nice eye rolling picture i'd put it here)

02/15/01 - coexist with hospital and soul refuge @ the prince (knoxville)

....i've never seen a more sick display of screaming insanity in all my was the freakin best! there were a lot of kids there and they were all psyched as hell to see coexist...everyone was going off..especially during "bitter shade of red"...there was quite a pit that broke out but the guys from the bar jumped in and attempted to brake it up...overall the show was wonderful...beautiful job guys

02/08/01 - chimaira, boiler room, nonpoint, & spineshank @ mooses (knoxville)

well i'll just start off by saying that chimaira was just as awesome as i expected them to be....kicked everyone elses ass that attempted at being on stage. and really nice guys..well the vocalist anyway (the others i didn't get to meet). boiler room was freakin terrible! i've never seen a more pathetic attempt at being ghetto and hardcore in all of my life...the bassist needs some new facial expressions...the vocalist needs singing lessons and we wont even mention the fifty year-old drummer who was more concerned with keeping his fake ass dreds on top of his head than playing the songs. i'm suprised he didn't kick the bucket right there in front of us all. nonpoint i expected to not be that great since i honestly disliked their entire cd. mat and i ended up leaving before spineshank...we had both seen them and neither of us were feeling too peachy. HOWEVER, one of the greatest moments in concert history happened during chimaira's set... there was this freakin annoying kid who kept screaming at the top of his lungs jumping around and was getting on everyone within a 10 foot radius' nerves. he was bouncing around on mat's back and then the dumbass hit me! i turned around like i was going to nail him and then mat punched him. hehehehe. security was rather pissed but finally they noticed how stupid he was and threw him out. it was great.

01/24/01 - luti-kriss @ the prince (knoxville, tn.)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...another great luti-kriss show. we're not even going to mention the other band...why? well...anyway...this show was way better than the one in chattanooga because there were only like 10 people who even knew who they were so i was all inches away from getting knocked in the head by a mic stand. pure bliss i tell you.

01/12/01 - blisstap, atonement, and luti-kriss (chatanooga, tn.)

well mat and i ventured down south one evening to partake in something i could never, women and children of all ages in a small warehouse going absolutely insane. it was pure madness! during luti-kriss there were these psycho kids with superman and grim reaper masks on running through the crowd doing the windmill!! people could have died....but it was freakin awesome...luti-kriss is sooooooooooo good. the stage was too small so they played in the floor with all the kids...rolling around in the was so great.

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