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~ * Karina's Recommendations * ~

Hello! Here is a list of links to other LOTR fanfiction sites that are really worth taking a look at! I read the work of these authors on a regular basis. I think they're awesome and judging by the response they get, I'm not the only one who thinks so!

All authors are listed in alphabetical order. :)

Thank you and enjoy!

"Did you hear that? Rivendell! We’re going to see the Elves!"

~ Samwise Gamgee ~ LOTR : FOTR

* ~ Alwyn Telrúnya's fiction ~ *

Do you enjoy romantic stories kind of like Sleepy Willow and The Space Between? Then check oout Alwyn Telrúnya's sweet little romantic tale What came to be? It's lovely!

Alwyn's site on

* ~ Adromir's Manyan Series ~ *

Do you enjoy stories that deal with Legolas and his family? Do you enjoy light humourous stories that will leave you with a smile on your face? Then click here and read Adromir's stories about Legolas and his crazy adventures with his brother Keldarion and his friends!

Adromir's site

* ~ Cassia and Sio's Mellon Chronicles ~ *

Do you see Aragorn and Legolas as the best of friends? Click here to follow the many adventures of the elegant Elf Prince and his best friend, the soon-would-be-King Ranger. These stories will amuse you to no end, trust me! You won't be disapointed one bit! Click here to view Cassia's picture gallery that accompany these fines tales!

Cassia's site

* ~ twin03's stories ~ *

Did you enjoy reading Elves in Space? Then believe me you'll love twin03's fics! This fine writer has some great LOTR/Star Trek crossovers packed with adventure and some romance!(this is fantastic for those of you who wanted some romance between Legolas and Seven of Nine!) and some great other fics to satisfy the romantic in you!

twin03's site

* ~ Karina's page on ~ *

Pretty self explanatory really. But if you run out of great stories to read you can always check out some more stories that I have on my favourite lists. And if you want to see my page on of course! Ooh here's a picture of Willow! For references the name of the actress I used for Willow's appearance is Amelia Warner from Lorna Doon. I know it doesn't look so hot, but hey! Photo manipulation is not my strong point!

My site on site

* ~ Non Lord of the Rings Fiction ~ *

* ~ Pixy Greenleaf's fiction ~ *

Yep, Pixy's got her own site too! Not to mention her own fanfiction. This one here is a Highlander fic. It's short and rather funny! Enjoy it and go ahead and explore Pixy's site! And her picture gallery as well!

* ~ Non FanFiction sites ~ *

* ~ The Sabrina and Camillo D'Alesio Foundation ~ *

This site has nothing to do with LOTR or fanfiction. It's actually for my cousins who died at the age of 6 and 4 years old. Check it out and help remember the life of two wonderful and special children.

Sabrina and Camillo

* ~ Encyclopedia of Arda ~ *

Ever wonder where I get most of my LOTR info? Check you the Encyclopedia of Arda. It's one of the most, if not the most, complete encyclopedia of anything and everything that Tolkien ever wrote. It's great and helps alot when you're doing research on anything Tolkien!

Encyclopedia of Arda

* ~ Hisweloke Sindarin Dictionary ~ *

Curious about the Elvish language? Well the Hisweloke Sindarin Dictionary Project is certainly a great place to start! You can use their online edition or you can download their DragonFlame version as well! It's really a great tool and helps make your story seems a little more real with sindarin dialogue incorporated in it. Also, Sindarin is such a beautiful language it's a lot of fun to explore it too!

Hisweloke The Sindarin Dictionary Project

* ~ Moons Stars ~ *

Hey! This site is where I got many of the starry backgrounds that I use on the site, like the multicoloured one on this page here. There are so many gifs you can easily go nuts! They're all beautiful and you'd be surprised how you can find exactly what you're looking for!

For great star and moon gifs!

* ~ Mystical Treasures ~ *

I urge you to visit this site! It has the nicest and sweetest graphics! The owner, Bright, is an awesome graphic artist and she makes great ones. In fact, she made some really nice banners for me! They're around if you want to take a look at them. Anyways go visit her site and while you're at it, vote for Mystical Treasures at Mystical Realms. All you need to do is tick off her site along with mine! You don't even have to click on an extra link!

Mystical Treasures

* ~ The One ~ *

For the most up to date info on the Lord of the Rings, the Stars of the Trilogy and any imaginable news related to anything Tolkien is here at! Check it out! It's great fun!

For the latest LOTR news

* ~ If you want to link with me ~ *

Hey if you want to link with me let me know and send me your site address and a brief description and you can add a banner if you wish to. Email me with your info and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Here are some banners to choose from if you wish to link with me. Please link to and upload image to your own server. doesn't allow direct linking. Thanks!

Vote for me!!! If you have a site with LOTR related fanfiction and you're interested in having a link with this site, please feel free to email me with a link and a brief description of what we can expect from your stories! I invite you to drop me a line! (hehe ok so humour isn't my strong point either!)

Thank you!

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