Opening To Channel

Every aspect of my belief system inspires
Access to Individual Wisdom and Inner Guidance
but i do understand the importance of channelling for others at times.

Where would i myself be today,
without Seth,

This-- is a Channelled Site.

I too access my own Inner Spiritual Guides,
and Read Tarot for myself (an Intuitive Reading)

After Long Struggle with my own Inner Wisdom,
and Under Consultation with my Xtradimensional Spirit Guides,
and the Direction of my Own Inner Wisdom,
we elect at this time to offer Channelling to those who desire it:
Channelling with a Difference...
for our Channelling will neither predict your future
nor tell you how to act.

Instead, our Channelling is solely designed to point you to the Paths to your own Inner Wisdom.

Our function is that of a Paraclete:
we stand beside you,
and suggest...

Sample Readings/Channelling available (5 min session)

$15 per 30 minute session

**Session work includes Channelling, Temple Work, Tarot as individualized by AlienAngelLight.**


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