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Hello, and welcome to sonic drive. As owner of this little but growing web site detected to sonic the hedgehog I would like you to have a good time! Note: I deleted the counter because it was screwed up new one on the next update.

Here is where the update info is.

Got another award!

Note: The Chat roomand the message board are in the communitcations. Wanna join my mailing list click here.

Communications The Chat room is here! More here later Web rings! Oh look web rings! Can I steel one?
Awards Oh look awards at the front door! Links Want to jump to another page?
Codes! Hey, look! Codes! Right in time to!
Seach Seach the page.
Story's Oh look travel guides! Not! He he he... Sonic images Go ahead take all of them!
Games Look at this!

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Copyright©1999. Page created 12/31/98. Thanks Free guest-book .com for the guestbook and the links page Thanks Be seen .com For the chat room and thanks Web apples for the board.