There are plenty of characters old and new coming around. So in the best interest of newcomers, I've created this list of the characters who make up ALTERNATE SPIN.


Quinn Mallory:
original inventor of sliding; after years of self-exile, he was able to get his group home. Now he's trying to find his friends and dealing with the changes in Randy's group.

Randy Heim:
A student at the university, he was an inventor of sliding technology like Quinn Mallory. The loss of his lover Ethan has made him colder...and dangerous.

Cassandra Wilkes:
Born on an Earth where the government's military are the elite and leather-clad, Cassandra followed her world's orders and tracked Randy's group all over the get Randy to join them. Her world lost, Cassandra adjusts to random sliding. She also has visions at times that helped in her travels.

Born on the slidecage, Jules lost both of his parents due to the fighting there. With no sliding signature to slide off of it, he decided to stay with Thomas on the slidecage when Quinn Mallory saved everyone. Dealing with Thomas's death and randomly sliding, Jules attempts to come out of his shell.


Professor Darnell Brown:
Rembrandt Brown's nephew and Randy's mentor. He has more going on with him than meets the eye with his Kromagg-given telepathic/telekinetic powers.

Melissa Clark:
Best friend and ex of Randy Heim. Melissa was the heart of the group.

Richard Hall:
One of the new group, he finally redeemed himself before being killed before the group could get home...or so they thought. As a result of cloning technology, he's back.

Rembrandt Brown:
Familiar to many fans, he is determined to get home as well as find his nephew Professor Darnell Brown...and the missing Quinn.

Ethan Bradshaw:
A member of Jared's old gang. Recently leaving his group, he stayed...and dated Randy. Deceased.

Paige Kendall
The companion to Randall Heim; The daughter of Randy's archnemesis Daniel Carter and from a time where the Kromaggs have conquered the worlds; decreased.

Ben Loveland:
Randy's roommate on Earth Prime. He has numerous doubles; one of whom fell in love with Melissa and died.

Nicole Harris:
Richard's high school sweetheart. Their romance ended when she became pregnant and Richard forced her to get an abortion. However, she joined a group to find him. It resulted in her death.

Debra King Brown:
The ex-wife of Darnell Brown. She felt he cared more about his career than her.

Robert Bufford:
A rival of Randy's; deceased, but has annoying doubles. He was determined to get the secrets of sliding for himself. He was the one who blackmailed Richard.

Wade Welles:
thought dead after a Kromagg project, Wade was able to resurrect herself as a telekinetic cyborg; no longer with any powers, now engaged with Quinn on Earth Prime.

Professor Maximillion Arturo:
Left behind on PTSS world, Arturo was found by Rembrandt Brown. He worked with the US government on the Kromagg problem and now works to finding Quinn and the others.

Maggie Beckett:
Joining the group later on, Maggie was a marine whom world was destroyed. She was determined to stop the Kromaggs. Killed in the final battle by Mr. Stone.

Diana Davis:
A scientist who joined the group later on, she stayed with Maggie to defeat the Kromaggs. Now works with Professor Arturo and Wade on finding Quinn and the others.

Quinn Mallory (II):
A fratneral double of Quinn, he onced housed Quinn's essences until Diana found a way to separate them. He loved Diana as he also worked with Maggie to defeat the Kromaggs. During the final battle with the Kromaggs, he was killed by Mr. Stone.

Jenna Heim:
Randy's sister on Earth Prime.

Jared Heim:
Randy's brother on most parallel worlds, but was never born on Earth Prime.

Jared's girlfriend on a Kromagg-ravaged world. She was thought missing until it was revealed that she had joined the dark sliders. Richard killed her accidentally.

Daniel Peckin:
A slimy producer; loves to ruin good shows.

Miashuyhi Kims:
Randy's classmate; a dark house in the Randy/Bufford feuds; most of her doubles are deadly.

one of Melissa's friend. A goth.

A hermit when he was in the slidecage, Thomas died saving Jules from laserfire on the Dark Sliders world.

Rebecca Pryce
A woman from a world where people live to con others; will do anything for a profit...and Randy. Vanished. Current whereabouts unknown.

Edward Albright:
Eve Albright's husband. He is determined to capture Randy's group and patrol sliding by any means necessary.

Carly Reynolds:
One of Rebecca's rivals; She was determined to destroy everything that Rebecca has built at the Arturo Foundation; last seen working for the Kromaggs.

Mr. Stone:
Originally, a sadistic cyborg created by the long-dead Foundation to monitor, stalk, and kill sliders. Thought dead until the Cromagnon Kromaggs brought him back in the cloned body of his obsession: Richard Hall. His agenda a mystery. But he will do anything to capture and torture Richard...slowly.

The Dark Sliders:
a group of aristocrats who slid for something fun in their boring lives. Peter Carmichael, Eve Albright, Eric Price, and Randall Heim live to hurt the sliders and do whatever they want.

The Kromaggs:
A race of sliding agressors. It has been revealed that there are two sets: the Cromagnon (encountered by the original sliders) and the Altantian (encountered by the original sliders back in their season four). The Cromagnons want Randy's knowledge while the Altantians just want him dead. In the final battle, Randy was able to defeat them once and for all, killing both races.

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