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~My Family~

I have been so blessed by the wonderful LORD above with such a wonderful family. No matter what happens, when times get rough, we are always there for one another and isn't that what being a family is really about?

My wonderful parents mean more to me than they will ever know. They both love me so much more than I could ever ask for, and I really appriciate that more than they know. I'll never forget the special things they have done with me and taught me in my life. Such as my daddy teaching me how to drive and my mommy teaching me how to sew. These are memories that will last lifetimes.

Tyler and Marianna are my little "brother and sister". I kinda claim them as that even though they really aren't though. I love them more than they will ever know and they both know that they have me wrapped around their little fingers so tightly!! *S* I love children and I wouldn't have it any other way though!

My "other" parents, are Jimmy and ReJeana Moore! I have called ReJeana my other Mommy for as long as I can remember! They are both so very special to me and I love both so much more than they know! The role that they play in my life and the spot they fill in my heart is undescrobable and can be filled by no other person. There are many people in the world that can be so blessed because they have a set of parents, but take it from me, you are truly blessed when you have another set!! I love them both soooo much!!

A big part of my family is Gary Joe. He is a wonderful person to be around and to have around. He will never know how much I love him or value his company.

Another peice of family that I like to consider part of mine is Gary Joe's family. Never let anyone tell you that it is impossible to get along with the person that you love's parents. It definatly isn't true. By meeting Gary Joe, I have also met one of the nicest families on earth, who have taken me in and loved me as if I were their own.

My aunt Ree-Ree and Uncle Leon are two of the sweetest people that GOD ever put on the face of this earth, and I love them so much!!