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About Me





A Little Bit About Myself
     If you're here and reading this, then you probably want to know a little bit about me. Well, I've always been drawing at a pretty young age and tried to draw those TV cartoon characters. It opened up a new world for me and I was always glad about the compliments I got for my drawings. From then on it was either sports or drawing and unfortunately I had to pick between those two when I went off to college.

      I chose drawing simply because I recieved more satisfaction from it then I did with football or basketball. Naturally, I always took the regular everyday required art courses that everyone took in High School (when I wasn't playing sports) but was always looking for a way to learn more about illustrating. Of course for extra credit I took almost any art class there was, and surprisingly I learned one of the biggest tips about illustrating: everything you learn and think is useless now, can be very, very important and invaluable later on.

      At that time, I thought commercial art was a waste of time, it was all about design, layout, and looking at each drawing or photo differently. But now, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't take that class and had all of those design and layout ideas and techniques implanted into my noggin :) I'm still learning and trying different techniques with all the amazing graphical stuff and computer art programs out there.

      I doubt I won't ever stop learning new stuff everytime and everyday...just like in life. Anyways, here's a few extra info about myself, but they won't be too descriptive for my own privacy purposes. 95% of my online time, I'm either on, ICQ or just dozing off in my comfy chair >;)

  • Born: Somewhere in Washington D.C.

  • Presently Resides: Somewhere in California

  • Nicknames: Robert~Blade, -SoulLessOne- & Tainted~Blade

  • Stuff I Do When I'm Not Online: Draw (of course), watch movies (Japanese Animation included), go out and have fun with friends, play football and basketball with my buddies, go to beaches, hang out, go on roadtrips, play with the ol' computer, play StarCraft online, waste time, and have fun :)

  • Current Fav Band: Garbage

  • Favorite Drawing Tools: Plain old paper and pencil (2B), charcoal/vine charcoal (both soft) Photoshop 4.0, Painter 4.0, Paint Shop Pro 4, Pen and India Ink, and a Mustek MFS-6000CX scanner.