Rob Lamb's World
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Rob Lamb's World

Allow me to introduce myself...

But first, my father, Bob Lamb,. married his high school sweet heart ,Georgie Record. My father joined the US Air Force and I was born in 1958 in Biloxi, Mississippi USA.

In 1960 my little sister, Valerie Lynn was born. We moved to the island of Crete, in Greece and in 1963 my sister died. At that point we were re-located to Sherman, Texas. Shortly after the move, my paternal grand father was killed and my father, under emotional duress seriously contemplated suicide. Then one of Jehovah's Witnesses started a Bible study with my mother. This was a real life saver for our family because we learned the real condition of death according to the Bible (Ecc. 9:5). I learned after I had grown up that my father had planned to kill my mother and myself because of the immense grief he was experiencing with the loss of his 3 year old daughter and then his father ( besides his church ministers had told him that his loved ones were now in heaven). So the Bible truth really did save our lives! My father was opposed to my mother's new faith for many years.

Let's skip to when I was 15 years old in 1973. By this time, my father had greatly softened his heart and had studied the Bible a bit with Jehovah's Witnesses and was regularly attending their Bible meetings. I made my dedication to Jehovah and decided to be baptized as one of them. When I made my intentions known to my father, who at this point had already been out of the military for a few years and recently stopped smoking, his response took me by surprise. He simply said, "Well I guess I can't let you do it by yourself. At the very next circuit assembly we were baptized together.

During the time my father was in the military and I was in the first through third grades of primary school, we lived close to the German Watchtower Branch in Wiesbaden. The influence of the Bethelites there gave me the goal of one day becoming a fellow Bethelite. That reality came true for me February 28, 1978 in Brooklyn, NY.

From that date to December 28, 1985 I spent the happiest years of my life, as a single person. My wife, Kimberly, joined me in Bethel service at that point which made the last two years I spent there the best years. By the way, George Couch (jv p.274) was my table head and Kathryn Bogard (jv p. 298) sat to my left for most of my Bethel career (for morning worship that is). You can find their life stories in the WT. We were assigned to the Chatham Square congregation in Lower Manhatten. Kim worked as a housekeeper on Towers 2 and I worked in Laundry (6 mos.), the Dry cleaners (8 yrs), in the infirmary and at the 124 reception desk ( off and on for 8 years), and in the Photography Department (one year).

We left Brooklyn in 1987 to start a family. After living in Perkasie, Pennsylvania for two years, we moved to Marion Kentucky where we now reside... all five of us, or you might say seven if you count my parents who moved here two years before us. Besides my wife and myself , our family has grown to include Rachel (10 years old), Jason (8 years old), and Joel ( 6 years old). My dear wife is home schooling all three!! I serve as the congregation secretary in our small congregation of 43 publishers, three elders, no regular auxillary pioneers, and no regular pioneers. Do you know someone who would like to serve where the need is greater?? REALLY! E. mail me !!!

The mundane things in my life include my window cleaning business, but it's a pretty good line of work.

We as a family AP for the month of March, it was great. Were you able to join the 100,000? I'll let my wife tell her story at a later time. Right now we are doing our best to raise our family in Jehovah's organization and endure in this old wicked system until paradise earth arrives. What about you? Won't you tell us a little about yourself?

Just e-mail me at ( Old Bethelite Info Line ) at the address at the bottom of the page! And don't forget to sign our guest book, Please!!

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Dad's Place
Mom's Place
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