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Raven's Bio

Real Name: Scott Levy
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 235
Hometown: Short Hills, New Jersey
Finisher Move: Evenflow DDt

Past & Present Alias

  • Scotty the body
  • Scotty Anthony
  • Scotty Flamingo
  • Johnny Polo
  • Raven

  • Scott Levy is a remarkable man, he has done things that many have never done. He’s been a wrestler in PNW, GWF, WWF, ECW, & WCW. Not mentioning that he's been a manager, a interviewer & hosted shows. All of this has been done with a “handicap” (one of Scott’s legs is shorter that the other.)

    Scott started training in 1988 at Larry Sharpe's "Monster Factory" wrestling training facility. Several months later, Scott joined the Pacific Northwest Wrestling. He used the name, Scotty the Body. The gimmick was that he was really fine and chicks were all over him.

    In the Begining

    In 1989, Scott teamed up with Top Gun & took on the Southern Rockers, who include Scott peterson and Steve Doll.And won the tag team titles. After some problems with TG, Scott chose to put hi effort into solo wrestling. His effort payed off, he won the heavyweight title from Carl Styles. Sc ott was able to keep the title for 5 weeks before it was taken from him by Rex King. But Scott retaleated and won the title back. Scott only held the title for a very short time before Curtis Thompson defeated him. After the winning and loosing of the teleivision title, and cheating in a match against Thompson. He gained one more title (on my birthday June 2) in 1990. (I turned 7 that day). But alas Scott lose the belt on Aug.4 in a rematch with the Grappler. Soon after that Scott moved to GWF.


    Scott's time in the GWF was short, because of the large losing streak he was suffering. Tag team partner with Rip Rogers,made it to the finals of the tag team tornament,but lose to Steve & Shawn Simpson. Soon Scott tried of the independent wrestling groups, so he moved to WCW.


    Scott now entered WCW as Scotty Flamingo. This gimmick was, that he was a spoiled rich kid. It took some time before scotty got into center stage with the crowd. Later on he became a member of The Diamond Exchange, managed by Diamond Dallas Page.


    Scotty won the Lightweight title from Bill Pillman. After defeating Marcus "Buff" Bagwell. But he only able to hold the title for 15 days & it was taken from him from Brad Armstrong.

    After a while his winning dried up. He began to lose more, till he was hardly ever on. Scott finaly went after Johnny B Badd, and the 2 went to settle the despute with a boxing match. DDP filled one of Scotty's gloves with water, causing a huge upset & giving Scotty the win. Things after that went downhill for Scotty, so when his WCW contract was up, WWF quickly signed him up.


    Scott started at WWF & still ubder the name Scotty Flamingo. The WWF didn't know what to do with him, so they sent him to Memphis for seasoning in the USWA. There he teamed up with another spoiled brat named Brian Christopher. They defeated the Moondogs to gain them the tag team championship. Unfortuntly the title was regained by the Moondogs. Scott thereafter headed back to titan, that made his gimmick end.

    Scott then went under the gimmick, that could have ended his career. His name was Johnny Polo, again he was a spoiled rich kid, who managed Adam Bomb,Brian Clark.(Otherwise known as Wrath in WCW). But this did not work well and didn't last long due to the, too diferent gimmicks.

    WWF had no idea what to do with him,until they decided to use Scott's mic skills. He started interviewing wrestlers & did commentary on WWF shows. During all of this Scott also wrestled, but he always was loosing.

    WWF let Scott manage the Quebecers, which got him a lot of attention, since with his help the Quebecers win the tag tean belts 3 times. When the Quebecers broke up, Scott was sent to Smoky Moutain Wrestling. But there he had no luck with wrestling and when his contract ran out he moved to ECW.


    Extreme Championship Wrestling was begining to become the strongest independent wrestling groups. One of their top wrestlers, Stevie Richards began dressing up as Stevie the body, Stevie Polo, Stevie Flamingo & so on.

    Scott's new gimmick was the ani-social, anti-hero, grunge, known as Raven. He got a saddest pleasure out of abusing others. He became very popular quickly. He was able to fit in well with the rough hardcore style of the ECW. Know for it's brutal violence, began it's trip into weird matches and loose aherence to th rules.

    Raven teamed up with Steve Richard, who later got Beulah McGillicutty,(Raven's High School Sweetheart).Raven created his Nest or otherwise know as the "Flock". The Nest consisted of Raven, Beulah, Richards, the Pitbulls, & a bunch of the Dudleys. Raven and Richards got the tag team titles from Public Enemy.

    Raven & Richards a love/hate relationship. If Richards did Raven wrong, Raven would give him beatings as punishment.

    Raven & Richards lost the titles to the Pitbulls, who had broke away from the Nest. The Pitbulls put the titles back up and Raven & Richards regained their title, as tag team champs. Only trouble was later that night Raven & Richards lost the titles to Public Enemy in a 3-way match with the Gangstas.

    Raven managed to get Cactus Jack (Mick Foley) in his nest, together they took on Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer, which was the first time a shopping cart was used as a foreign object.

    Raven Continued making trouble with the Sandman. The war marked Raven's style of bring real life issues into the feud. It got very personal between Raven & the Sandman, Raven (being the King of Mindcontrol) even turned the Sandmans wife and kids against him. Raven also took the ECW World HeavyWeight Tile from the Sandman.

    Raven held on to the belt for 9 months until Raven was to take on Dreamer & The Sandman, but Raven didn't show up, so his parntner Ricards go Brian Lee to take Raven's place. If Richards was pinned Raven would lose the belt. It just so happened that Richards was pinned by Sandman, and Raven lost the belt. Raven was very angered by this and him & Richards began feuding.

    The feud with Dreamer began to heat up with Raven's valet, Beulah McGillicutty. Beulah grew very tired of the treatment Raven was giving her, so she ran to the arms of Tommy Dreamer. The breaking point was that Beeulah reveled that she was pregnant. Raven, very angery, wanted to know who the father was. She said it was Dreamer's. Raven promised that he would end Dreamers career.

    Raven debuted his new valet Kimona Wanalaya, who helped neutralise Beulah in confrontations Raven had with Dreamer. Soon it was discovered that kimona and Beulah were having an "affair" & Kimona left Raven. Raven now had Dreamers number. Raven was now the champion of ECW. The next step for Raven was the ECW's PPV "Barely Legal", It was chossen that Raven was to defend the title in a 4 way match with Sandman, Richards, & Dreamer. Terry Funk , the mentor of Dreamer, who was 52, wanted one last shot at the title, so Dreamer gave up his spot to Funk.

    Raven underesimated Funk,with the help of dreamer Funk won the belt. Raven blammed eveyone but him. But he blammed Dreamer the most. Raven began attacking Dreamer whenever he could. So it was decided that there would be a Loser-leaves-ECW match. Dreamer was criiicsed for accepting the match cuz dream has never beat Raven. Raven and his "Nest" was full of confidence when they went in the ring at "Wrestlepalooza 97". Chatity, Ravens new valet and beulah got into while Raven & Dreamer were getting into it. Raven Evenflowed Dreamer but instead of going for the pin, he pushed Chasity aside and begged Beulah to take him back, but she refused. Dreamer was up now and attacked Raven but Louie Spiccolli interfered , Dreamer stopped Spiccolli, while Raven recovered. Soon after that Dreamer caught Raven in the front face lock and screamed "EC F**kin'W & gave Raven a DDT. Dreamer made the pin. Raven lost. He would never wrestle in ECW again.


    Scott signed up with WCW in the summer of 97'. June 30 on a Nitro Raven made his first appearence. He was reconized by Mike Tenay as a Champion from another fed. And as Tenay attempted an interview Raven shoved him away. But later at the end of the program Raven jumped the safety-rail and stared down Scott Hall.

    The next thing was, WCW had to find out if he was NWO or WCW. All Raven who say is he wouldn't conform to "their rules". His Friend from ECW Steve Richards who signed a contract with WCW tried to get Raven to sign as well. But everytime Richards would try to make a deal with Raven, Raven would punch him. At Bash at the Beach 97', Raven was seen in the crowd, Mean Gene interviewed him and questioned him if he would be DDP's mystery partner Raven replied with "Trust and fate, love and hate, and i don't understand. Social grace,The human race...confuse me. These words i speech bring forth a world of emotion. Emotions of dreams lost , dreams found, and dreams I'll never see. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. But the question is will I or will I not be Diamond Dallas Page's partner. But isn't that the same question that I've been asked time and time again since my childhood? Isn't the question really have I any dreams I'd like to sell? Quote the Raven Nevermore."

    Raven then started what was known as The Flock.

    Who's members included:

    Billy Kidman



    Perry Saturn (Who Quit)

    Scotty Riggs

    Horace Hogan

    Van Hammer(Was Kicked Out)

    Sick Boy

    Chris Kanyon(Also Kicked Out)

    But in Dec. of 97' Raven disappeared, because of pancreatitis which was brought on my massive alcohol abuse. Raven was hospitalised for 10 days without any food.

    When Raven return the flock stated feuding with Chris Beniot.Beniot went though the entire flock to get to Raven. In which Raven passed out smiling thanx to the "Crippler Crossface".

    Beniot started too feud with DDP but Raven wasn't done with him yet. Raven, DDP , & Beniot were involed in a 3-way royal for the us belt, in which DDP remained the holder of the US belt.

    DDP took on Raven and with the help of the newest member of the flock , Horace, Raven became the US champion. The same night Saturn loses to Goldberg, goldberg becomes #1 contender for the US belt. The very nexk night Raven's title was Ripped from his grasp by the 6 month rookie Goldberg. Raven sent the flock after Goldberg, to get his belt back but goldberg took them all down. But there was another problem Raven had to deal with, Saturn no longer wanted to be associated with the flock.

    In attempts to get Saturn back, he fired the flock, and Saturn reurned.

    More to come.