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Women and Computers?

    You know, when you really start to think about it, there are two things we should truly be thankful for in this world:  women and computers.  Without one or the other, where would we be?  Just try and picture a world without those lovable members of the fairer sex or a world without motherboards,  processing units, and peripherals.  Who would want to?  Think about it guys, one of these, it it's a good one, loves to have you in control, does exactly what you tell it to, and never talks back.  And hey, the computer isn't bad either!  (Just kidding, please don't send any hate letters or package bombs!)

    Now a lot of you out there probably think that a woman and a computer have nothing in common.  Well, that isn't entirely true.  And to help you better understand this, here is PonyBoy Top 5 ways a computer is just like a woman!

#5  The message "Bad Command or File Name" is about as useful as "If you don't know why I'm mad at you then I'm not going to tell you!"
#4  No one but their creator understands the logic behind them and the language used between them is incomprehensible to everyone else.

#3  Even your smallest mistake is immediately committed to memory for future reference.

#2  Once devoted to one, you'll end up spending over half of your paycheck just buying accessories for it.



#1  As soon as you finally settle on one, a better one is right around the corner.