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Meet the Gang!

Many of you fellow cornballs have written in asking about Penny Marie and "The Devil".  Who exactly are they?  What their like and dislikes?  Did  "The Devil" ever get rid of that mysterious fungus on her feet?  Well questions like these deserve to be answered.  So, by Wednesday, March, 10, 1999, I hope to have another website (Meet the Gang!) up and running.  It'll give you an inside look into the lives of my two best friends....complete with pictures!   So if you like meeting wonderful new people and looking at their beautiful photos, then DON'T stop back here!  Because here you are only going to find the inside dirt about these two and the most tasteless photos I can make, uh I mean find!  So please stop back in and see the source of PonyBoy's corniness, madness, and hostility.  And by the way, I run a real risk of receiving group hugs, more restrictions on my life and friends, and losing personal possessions by bringing this to you.  But in the name of corniness.....I must continue on.

Thank you.....