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This is the newest edition to the PonyBoy.Com family.  This page is a dedicated site to where those of you who have attempted to be corny and have miserably failed can come and pour your hearts out to the Master of Corniness and all his faithful subjects.  We welcome all comers in the hopes that we can prevent others from making the same stupid mistakes as you did (moron).  So please, feel free to post your questions, comments, or stories and I will attempt to answer them as soon as possible.

From George C., Seattle

Dear PonyBoy,

It has always been my dream to be able to tell a corny joke.  I am 24 yrs. old and have been a professional comedian for about three years now.  I have lots of friends and am very popular.  Girls can't seem to keep their hands off me.  Every time I tell a joke, people can't seem to keep from laughing.  What should I do?  I practice and practice, but I can't seem to be corny.  Please help me before more people find me hilarious and want to be my friend.
P.S.- How can I get rid of the friends I already have?

Poor George, I really understand where your coming form .  It seems to me you are just working too hard at finding your corny abilities.  Just learn to relax and don't even think about it.  Trust me, most of the corny things I say are because I don't think about them.  Corniniologists say that 9 out of 10 corny joke tellers possess their abilities naturally, so don't get discouraged.  Just let it come from inside and I'm sure you'll not have them laughing in no time.  As for the friends part, I'm still working on that one.  They're like leaches and very hard to get rid of.  Good Luck!

 From C. MePee, Kansas City


I'm already a good corny joke teller, but I still need a few tips so I can be better than you.  Can you help me? question please.

From Ima Looney, New York

How do you synthesize a polycarbon ion from an unstable isomer?

Hey, you gibroni!  This page is for questions about corny jokes only!  So know your role and quit being ignurnt.

From C. Moore (not Charlotte) Butts, Miami

PonyBoy, who are your corny joke telling idols?  Biggest inspiration?

Nice question.  For a long time, my dream was to become as corny as Fozzy, the little bear from the Muppet Babies.  Now there is a truly corny joke teller!  Then I realized that I was the true King of Corniness, so I guess I'd have to say my idol now is me!  As for my biggest inspiration, it is without a doubt my two best friends, Penny Marie and "The Devil".  (Ok guys, I put it on here.  Can I have my calculator and dignity back now!?)

Send other questions and letters to