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Phreak Show's Prank Call Palace

Calls done by Phreak Show ( If you wanna know a little bit about me and the site Click Here )

S.O.S. Pest Control. I laugh too much, one of my first calls- Cockroach help(wav) or Cockroach help(rm)
[288kb 2:20]

I complain about bad service and some kids bugging me- Bad Pizza service(wav) or Bad Pizza service(rm)
[787kb 6:25]

I ask this asian lady if she knows anything about shoplifting- Bang There?(wav) or Bang There?(rm)
[168kb 1:22]

I need a wedding dress for my gay fiance- Bridal Help(wav) or Bridal Help(rm)
[347kb 2:49]

Massage place, I'm looking for a sensual type of massage- Did you say genital massages?(rm)
[212kb 1:43]

I was planning on rolling him up in a rug...- Cremation(rm)
[104kb :50]

I brought my dog down to get groomed and they shaved him bald- Dog Groomer(rm)
[127kb 1:02]

Theres a piece of glass in my eye, are you fucking laughing at me??!?!- Glass(rm)
[135kb 1:06]

Buttplugs?- Buttplugs(rm)
[41kb :20]

This is 2 fuckup calls... i dont know why i put them up i guess theyre kind of funny- Fuckups(rm)
[39kb :19]

All i wanna know is where the beef is.. she gets fiesty- Where's the Beef(rm)
[65kb :31]

He tells me where to get the best cunts, sluts and whores. Hahaha good one!!- Moscow Nights(rm)
[366kb 2:59]

Same store as Dog Groomer. I ask if she wants my wild kangaroo[Inspired by Toad and his damn kangaroo pic]- Kangaroo(rm)
[368kb 3:00]

I called Renegades Tavern accusing Tiny of starting a fight at my bar- Renegades Tavern(rm)
[127kb 1:02]

4 calls to KFC asking how big their breasts are, not too original but the last call is a pretty good one- KFC(rm)
[174kb 1:25]

I ask about a kayak but say it like "Kuh-Yak". The guy knows it's a prank and starts talking to me about paid advertisements- Kayak(rm)
[229kb 1:52]

Other Peoples Calls

(**By RedNeck Pranksters**) This is great, a must listen- Hearing Aid Services(rm)

**COMING SOON** Calls by GuyToad

Other Stuff Besides Prank Calls

My list of Things That Suck.

Ever heard that guy on the Home Shopping Network? "We'll give you.. 500 MCGWIRES!!! THATS 500 MCGWIRE CARDS!!! OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST DEAL EEEVER" Click Here to listen to about 2 minutes of that guy I recorded.

Here's a delightful little baby.

Save the whales. Funny Picture.

To play the .rm files you will need real player, To get Real Player Plus G2 ( Serial Number: 0085-23-4766 ) click the link below.
Real Player Plus G2

ICQ numbers of the prank callers on this site: Phreak Show- 1214722

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