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AOL Punters

Static Gold (1.5 MB) Screenshot   Kickasssss Punter from an awesome programmer, (Vo(V)e(2cy. Has Punt strings for all versions of aol, 2.5, 3.0, 3.0 for win95, and 4.0. Also has a private room buster, a member room buster, idle/45 Kill, Kill Wait, im's on/off, upchat, advertise, a brag list, and an afk bot, you have to get this!!!

Rating: 10!!!

Aeon Platinum By Gen (2.06 MB) Screenshot 10 1 IM punt methods! 15 Regular punt methods! IM's on/off, 45 min. kill, kill modal, kill wait, sogn off, upchat, room punt i think, and a secret picture, double click anywhere around where ya put in the screen name, hehe. Also a kickass entrance graphic!

Rating: 10!

Krypton 1 IM By hoto007 (2.99MB) Screenshot and info from hoto007 Click < for hoto's thoughts on his prog. 1 IM Punter for aol 3.0 and 4.0, attention, clear chat, and advertise, im's on/off, upchat, room buster, pw area, i think pw is on his info page, kill wait, kill welcome, and add room. Get this!!!

Rating: 10!

CLife Final (947K) Pretty cool 3.0 1 im punter and anti, and has a few more options, check this out, pretty kick ass, so get it !! Only works for aol 3.0 though, not for 4.0.

Rating: 9

1 IM Nuke by Zombie (K) Kickass 1 IM Punter!!!! 12 Punt Methods!!! A Punt/Brag List, im's on/off, add room, anti-punt, advertise, macro bust, room kills, room generator, upchat mail punt, Kill wait, and Kill welcome, Defintiely get this!!!

Rating: 9

Worms 1 IM Punter 2 (347 K) Screenshot Filesafe Turned this up to be a PWS, but as I found out, filesafe turned a lot of things to be a PWS that weren't. I have tested this again and again, and it is not a PWS. It is a kickass 1 IM Punter!!! Punt methods for aol versions of aol., an antipunt, e-mail punt, advertise, im check, im's on/off, punt records, mass punt, online check, kickass!!!! Gotta get this punter, This is not a PWS.

Rating: 8.5

Seadoo Final 3.0 (603K) Pretty cool, has a cool antipunter, and a bunch of different options, but i only works for aol 3.0, kicks ass though, get it!!!!!

Rating: 8.5

1 IM Punter by Seadoo (419K) Screenshot Awesome punter, kills them in 1 IM. Sometimes doesn't work on the first try so always use it a second time just in case. Kicks them off almost instantly! A must have! Also has a kill wait, kill modal, room buster, and kill 45. Small, but does the job, and then some!
Rating: 8

 Dark Error 1IM (847K) Screenshot An awesome brand new 1 IM punter from Oxo. This has an awesome mail punt, and a password area "Oxo OwNz Me!". Awesome, download it!
Rating: 8

Cypress Hill by Lost Boy (636K) Setup Version. Pretty cool, it works for aol 4.0, I'm not sure if it does for 3.0. It has two punt methods, im's on/off, im scroll, advertise, and blank im, pretty cool, check it out.

Rating: 7

Necromancer (1.3 MB) Pretty cool 1 IM Punter, with a few extras, check it out, this works for aol 4.0!!


Atomic Punter 1.5 (172K) Screenshot Pretty damn cool punter for every version of aol. And it has a recently punted list. It's a setup version, and a small download, kickass!!!

Rating: 7

Impact by GBD (548K) Screenshot Awesome punter by GBD that has a lot of extras, a brag list, im's on and off, advertise, idle bot, room bust, and a mail punt.
Rating: 6

Internal Error (705K) Screenshot Awesome punter for 1IM punter for aol 4.0! Automatically turns off your IM's when you start punting. Has an upchat, brag list and options, an error shield, and a mail error punt.
Rating: 6

Warez X Toolz (72K) Screenshot A really short download, but it has some good stuff. A 1im punter, change aol caption, idle bot, scrollers, IM's on/off, killwait, and upchat. Pretty damn cool, not a great interface, but it has some cool stuff. Awesome for such a short download. Password = X Murda

Rating: 5

Lost City (1.1 MB) Well it has a hella cool intro!! It has a 2.5 error, 2.5 lagg, 3.0 error, and 4.0 error, two 3.0 1 ims, and two combos. Extras are im's off/on, room buster and advertise. The interface is kind of disappointing after the kickass intro.

Rating: 5

Kill AOL For 4.0! (82K) Screenshot Kickass! It's a really short download, and it's for aol 4.0!! IM's off/on are the only options though. But the first two things is why it's rated so high.

Rating: 5

Static (321K) Screenshot 1IM punter made by NoMeRcy overnite. Pretty damn cool. Has a private room buster, an upchat, and an idle/45 min. kill.
Rating: 5

Twist 1 IM Punter 2.0  (677K) Screenshot Pretty cool 1 IM Punter with a room list, check IM's, mass IM, advertise, IM's on/off. Has a few bugs though.

Rating: 5

 DX punter (173K) Screenshot Has 7 methods of 1 IM punting, and some work for AOL 4.0. Pretty damn cool if you ask me.
Rating: 5

Fiend punter (99K) Screenshot Has a few methods of punting, change aol caption, imz off/on, scrolls, advertise, kill wait, and idle bot. Pretty cool, short download.

Rating: 4

1 IM Punter by JkR and Rain (925K) Screenshot One IM Punter with ims on/off, advertise, afk bot, elite talker, and attention. The password is poopeedoodles.
Rating: 4

In Denial (K) I think it's a 1 IM, doesn't really have many options, pretty cool interface though.

Rating: 4

Napalm Error Punter (160K) Screenshot I don't know hor reliable the 1 IM Punts are, I haven't tested this that much, has some extras though, like 4 punt strings, IM's on/off/ warn, 2 bots, advertise, im checker, kill wait, upchat, a macro, kill welcome, but the best part is, 19 different punt methods! Pretty cool. 

Rating: 4

Lim 1 Im Punter (98.6K) Screenshot Another cool 1 IM, these are all cool. Has some extra options, but not that many.
Rating: 3

 Illegal 2 (568K) Screenshot Another awesome 1 IM punter for AOL 4.0, but it doesn't have any extra options. Still really cool.
Rating: 3

 Rage 3  (84.1K) IM punter with nothing but the punter, it's cool because it's such a short download, that's the best part though.
Rating: 2


fbi 1.0
fatex 3.0
aim punter v2
proggie passwords
level 9 macro maker
45 minute killer /anti
ice drop mass mailer
traumatized mass mailer v.2
soylent green warez server
exorcist v.3
havok platinum
whord v.2
jai jen
secret aol keywords
aonirvana 2
excorist v5.0
batgirl 3.0
crusade v5
chain reacter v2.6.9
coldfire 1.0
djiin 2.0
dragonz toolz
freon 4.0
final ressurection
good prog
hacked v5
havok mettalica
klown toolz v4.0
liquid hell final
leviathan final
master aol
meeps mini ignore 5.0
punt shop pro
outbreak v3
pen toolz v2
punt toolz
reaper v3
subzero v3
soft ice 95
toolz of destruction 3.0
trinity 2000
the deep end
wild pep's 2 im
x-tasy 2.3
titanic punter(aol 4.0)
dx toolz(aol 4.0)
getright 3.02
hitch hiker
cold fire v1.0
ieet room buster
fuel punter outlaw punter 4
quicky punter
pen toolz 2
final resurection
plant dust
fluid 7
starlite 3.0
cryonic 2
combat 3
klown toolz 4.0
djiin dl2
south park 2.0
photon anti v3.0
auto anti 98
nostradomous(aol 4.0)
borg(aol 4.0)
quicksilver(aol 4.0)
black death ultra(aol 4.0)
nWo(aol 4.0)
jeep fader(aol 4.0)
fateX zero beta
soccer punter
aim punter
voodoo punter
cunt punter
mythological 1.2
freon 4.0
klown toolz 3.0
chain reaction v2.6.9
havok 7
sub zero 2.0
vertigo 2
dark force punter
tokez room buster
soccer 2.5
quicksilver 5.0
quicksilver 4.0
genozide's password detector
meeps mini ignorer
aoalf 96
batgirl 2
klown toolz
rage punter
oreo punter
XyZ's punter(aol 4.0)
fateZ mmer(aol 4.0)
cube(aol 4.0)
fiction(aol 4.0)
surge(aol 4.0)
exorcist v5
aftermath 2001
lucifer x 97
aftermath 97
havok metallica
alien v3.0
exorcist 3.0
havok platinum
antichrist 4.0
el nino punter
aonirvana 2 punter
wutang punter
insomnia mmer2
adidas punter
insane clown posse v2.0
apache punter
punt toolz
south park toolz
mib final
fate ultra x
liquid hell final
i.c.p. punter
stone cold punter
napalm punter
Ditto Eternal
fate x 5.0
fire toolz 3.0
blue cross 4.0
make your own prog
pepsi 4.0
batgirl punter
whord punter
super mad cow 2000
acid rain
whord 2.0
insomnia mmer
breaks anti punter
auto anti 4.0
cyrix mini toolz
area 51
lice toolz
magenta final
method punter
materia 1im punter
micro punter
mini punter
mons punter
murder x punter
optix punter
ashant anti
bluntz anti
doc's anti
drool anti
exit light anti
final slam anti
geezus anti
haxor anti
nukepatch anti
photon final anti
punt shield 3.01 anti
riven anti
shield v3.0 anti
aol im punter2
fbi 2 punter
magenta 2 punter
sub zero 3.0
phish 2 punter
xtreme punter