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     I am glad to see that you have visited my little home on the net.  Make yourself at home and direct any questions or comments that you might have to my email account.  This site has not seen an update for a couple of years now and I just recently thought that it was in need of one. 

     If you are searching for AOL Progs and Punters, that I used to serve from there I have disposed of them some time ago, as I no longer use AOL.  There is a number of sites out there that where as good as mine and you can get them from there. 

     You can contact me my ICQ #14680741, or by email.  You can also view my .plan, if you are curious as to what I have been up to lately.  I spend most of my time in IRC on the server of in the #team_stomped channel.











Copyright © 1999 Surreal Solutions, all rights reserved.  Pezman, is a trademark of Surreal Solutions.   Site Design & Graphics by Kyle 'Pezman' Peschel.  Use of content by permission only.