44 Months Out

Well I feel it’s time to update my page...It seems like this page has turned more into a Divorce care page than a M.G.B. update.. But I feel like the M.G.B. is a huge success, and there is nothing I can say negative about it... My weight is about 185 but I feel so lean and powerful...I never knew that a positive mental condition is so important to physical well being. My mind is so clear...I feel like I do have a second change at life in every where. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my problems, for example in the last six months I’ve been divorced, been re-examined by the county tax evaluators and oh yes the big one my 2000 taxes were audited last week (you think that 22 thousand dollar medical claim had anything to do with that???) they say it's random...yeah right!” But... and a big but... Ha! Ha! but not as big as it use to be... LOL... well anyway what I was going to say is I’ve seen the rainbow...truly I’ve seen the end of it...in 42 years I have never seen that....I was driving and this rainbow just popped out of a huge black sky and I could see the whole thing....it was breath taking...it was the largest and most vivid bow I have ever seen and it was like the end was in front of the trees stand on top of the ground....The bow only lasted a minute or so..but... I went away thinking that it was GOD’S way of saying...see I promised you that the trouble in life does not always last and here is my promise...I don’t mean to say that sadness and darkness don’t hurt but I’m also here to tell you that what don’t kill you makes you much much stronger...if you can come out of it alive..I try to make everyday and everything a learning experience... God has been and is so good to me...Because number one I do have a father in heaven, and my three children to live for...and I say “LIFE IS GOOD” and “GOD IS GOOD...ALL THE TIME” without my God I would never have made it...Let me tell you what he’s done for me you see I have my three children that live with me in our house they grew up in, they go to their home school and home church and their life is very full. All the divorce stuff is not over yet..I go back to court June 29 but whatever the out come... I have to remember that God is in controll..and he thinks the outcome is in my best intrest..and that's the way he want’s it... I enjoy hearing for all you guys and gals that read my page.. I get about a average of 4 emails a week asking for contact letters, I feel like that’s my part in helping, so I guess the M.G.B. is still going strong and well. I do think the good Doctor has even improved his wonderful surgery do to the results I read about. I have only had one reflux episode in the last year.. I still do the three vitamins , two tums and the citricell morning and evenings. I guess this is still the Doctors orders, it works for me so that’s why I do it..I have people ask me all the time if you lost that much weight why don’t you have loose skin...well I don’t know why... just thank God I don’t I guess it’s the oil skin I have and I do exercise.. I have people tell me all the time I don’t look 43 but rather in my early 30’s. My age has never bothered me but I have to say ...this is a real uplifting thing when I hear it...I have wrinkles in my face and yes I love everyone of them...I can’t began to tell you how bless I am, you see I feel only a weak man believes in luck I believe in cause and effect. I'm not here to say I’m holy yet. but God’s not done with me yet either and you know what I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before but “I can’t wait to see what tomorrow is going to be like” Your MGB Brother David Pemberton