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My Place

Hi! Welcome to My New Place :)

I am a college student who just decided to create a page. I have met so many wonderful people through the internet that I thought I would make a page myself to invite others to get to know me. I hope to add some of my poetry later, possibly. I also would apreciate any suggestions regarding my site, but please bear with me and my modest site.

I named my page Operastyle because I love to listen to and also sing Opera. I have been in love with music as long as I can remember and sometime maybe I will find some music for my page. I sing in my College Choir and will continue voice lessons too. I also love art. I love to paint (mostly watercolor but I took an oil painting class last fall) and draw (mostly charcoal).

I also love nature and find it a restoring and calming influence (usually). I hope to make my site a place of healing and revitilization (for myself as well as others). If you have any images that fall under that category, please let me know. :) Thanks :)


What's new! ??? well.... I have some new poems.... not too much else yet, but I decided I would try and do a little updating today.


This is my very best online friend, Ryan. :) He writes wonderful poetry.

This is a portrait of my grandmother. It's oil on velvet.

Sign my Guestbook :)

My Bulletin Board

Courage is not the absence of fear rather it is the judgement that something else is more important than fear

~~Ambrose Redmoon~~

To know the value of generosity, it is necessary to have suffered from the cold indifference of others

~~Eugene Cloutier~~ >

Links to my New Pages

My Animation Page

My Photos

Things that make me happy

My Favorite links

a very cool site for sending apreciative notes :)
Free Web Building Help
My wonderful friend Ryan's site:)
Chemistry prelab help
get directions from point A to point B
send your friends e-mail cards!!:)
Kristen's site is very inspirational
Ryan's brother Phil's page
Ryan's best friend Gavin's page
Scientific American
My Beloved Tolstoy :)
my friend Ian's homepage
Baha'i writings link
pic. Shrine of the Bab
pic.2 Shrine of the Bab
pic. 3 Shrine of Bab
Shrine of Baha'u'lah
beautiful works by a Baha'i artist
my friend Erin's sister's site about an Audrey movie
inspirational site
