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Make your dreams come true at the Dating Club

Moncheri's Romance Connection

Welcome to my homepage!

I hope you will find my links both informative and entertaining. I truly know how hard it is to find the one true person that really clicks. I searched for years and, thanks to the "new" technology, I found him. You see, I dated lots of guys in my own hometown and none of them had what I was looking for in a "soul" mate. Than finally, I found my "perfect" mate and married him thanks to the Internet. I met him thru a chatline on the Net over 3 years ago. He lived over 800 miles away from me. We are about to celebrate our one year anniversary.

To read my story click here, How We Met. So, believe me, IT CAN HAPPEN!!

No life would be complete without the elements of Love, Romance & Partnership. Is your life complete? Or are you still searching for someone really special to grow with, live life with, have children, and create a loving future? Once our basic needs are met food, oxygen, water and shelter, our very next need is to connect emotionally and physically. Women connect with other women and men bond with each other., but there is still something very special about having a committed partner to share life's UP's and down's with.

Some of you reading this have given up hope of ever having a meaningful relationship. For some a root canal = dating. But, dating can actually be a dance towards intimacy. Do not use a first date like an inquisition. Plan on having fun. Do not discuss past relationships, religion, your parents or what you want from a relationship. Allow the relationship to be casual. The fourth through sixth date will allow you time for more fact finding. This does not mean that you cannot or will not find out information you need to know to decide if your "date" will lead to other dates.

Some people believe that you should not have to do anything to get a relationship. Even more important is to realize that "Whatever you do to get a Relationship you must continue to KEEP a Relationship." Stop believing that magically a special man or woman will just show up and announce that they are your partner. You must consider dating an adventure, an opportunity to learn about the world and try new things. Use dating to develop a taste for portobello mushrooms, learn how to rollerblade, expand your thinking, distinguish between fine wines, learn to cook, appreciate art, or shape up and exercise.

Plan on dating for 6 months at least... and plenty of different people. You'll need this amount of time if you haven't dated in a long while. Choosing a partner in life requires a gradual selection process. Consider that the first time someone marries it is usually someone similar to their parents. The second time around you will choose someone on the other extreme (not like your parents). If you are lucky and learn from the first experience you'll choose a partner who can truly be a combination of both or you'll find a third partner.. I'm not suggesting that everyone marry three times. I'm suggesting that you stop and take a look at who you've already been choosing to relate to.

Mr. Nice and Healthy shows up at a dance and asks you to dance and you say, "Not right now maybe later...He comes back and asks again and you say, "Well, I don't know I'm just not in the mood." So Mr. Nice and Healthy reads you as saying "Not Interested." If he disappears you'll feel as if he did not pursue you enough so you are not interested. Five minutes later Mr. Neurotic comes by and ask you to dance...and again you say, "No. I'd rather just hang out a bit." Mr. Neurotic will persist and grabs your hand and says "Come on didn't you come here for some fun..Let's get going and dance..and he pesters you until you give in...Five minutes later you are in-love with Mr. Neurotic because he broke through your resistance. Meanwhile, Mr. Healthy sits by himself wondering why he's alone and you are with a jerk. Two months later you'll be wondering how you got yourself into this situation. You are doomed to repeat this scenario like the movie "Groundhog Day" unless you stand back and take an inventory of your life and it's patterns. (To all of you Mr. Healthy's the moral of the story is to persist a bit more in pursuing women you are interested. Stop assuming she's not interested..she just might not want to dance at the moment. Ladies, make room for the Healthy guys -if you are even slightly interested start a conversation to check him out.)

Men you do something crazy when it comes to relationships. Many of you are lost in your jobs...pacifying yourselves until "The One" magically appears. You believe the moment you meet you know she's "The One." You also think you'll change when you get serious about love , romance, and partnership.

Sometimes I think that no one understands the boy-girl stuff ..not even God. However, people are changing growing and learning everyday....our world is shifting more and more men are reading books and attending seminars on relationships. Finally it's time to create some mastery and success in our relationships. It is possible to connect mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually It is rewarding but it requires a new understanding and a willingness to look at yourself first and love yourself more. I often meet people who emphatically tell me that they are not looking for a relationship. You may have told that to me also. I do not believe this because everyone (and I do mean everyone) that I have ever asked the following question has answered the same way...If the perfect man or woman dropped into your back yard today in a parachute and had all the qualities you wanted in a mate..would you want a relationship? Well? Do you want someone special in your life...? The answer is usually: YES! So, stop fooling yourself. Stop putting up walls and barriers. Don't make it too difficult for someone to connect with you and your heart.

Life and loving can include romance and partnership...begin the journey soon.. there's someone sitting there scratching their head wondering where you are... Ladies there are loving, nurturing, powerful men who have been making themselves ready for you in their life... are you ready? Men, there are women out there who are willing to try again..they've read all the books and listened to tapes..(At least I hope so) and they need you to practice with. Dating is the first step to creating partnership love and romance in your life..begin connecting in new ways with heart energy and openness yet armed with knowledge and resources or even a relationship coach.

To get started on your search for your "perfect" match just follow this link to:

A Cupid’s Network Affiliate
A Destination

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