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name: Oliver Philips
age: 17
city, state: Lofthouse, Wakefield, England
height, weight: Small, skinny
converse size: 9 smelly!
icq/aim: eh?
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: Propagandhi, face to Face, Blink 182
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: occasionally, i'll knock back a few beers after a long day
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: When geocities got websensed at college!
photo: This is me at my best! drool! drool!
for sale: I am a lonely young lad just wanting to talk. I'm a bit of a nerd but I have some interesting views. Only big boobed women need write - joking! haha!! No seriously I want someone nice to talk to, to share personal feelings!

name: Kev CE
age: 18
city, state: England
height, weight: of what! hehe!
converse size: 10, converse suck!
icq/aim: what the hell does this mean
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Samiam, Propagandhi, Leatherface, Face to Face, UK
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: fucking alcoholic
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: dirty protest of toilet quality, joke!
photo: This is really me!
for sale: Just e-mail me O.K!

name: Yoghurt
age: Nearly 31 years!!!
city, state: London,UK,EU...
height, weight: 6'3" tall,and several stones
converse size: 12
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: CARDIACS,Murder Junkies GG Allin,DAMNED
smoker?: social smoker
drinker?: occasionally, i'll knock back a few beers after a long day
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: ANTI EVERYTHING RALLY...
for sale: Why I should need this is beyond me! I think i am just smashing,and it's just that no one else seems to have discovered that fact yet. I am tall,I have blonde hair,and I shall be dedicated to punk until I become the next Charlie Harper...It's not how old it is,it's whether it has gone green that matters! Come on,don't be shy...I shall stand you a pint in the Goldsmith's Tavern in New Cross if you reply to this...Whaddya ya got to lose????


name: ben
age: 24 years of age
city-state: hamburg , germany
height, weight: 178 cm 75k
converse size: 10.5
icq/aim: i think it starts with a 2
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: avail, sd,fat bands, california hardcore
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: enenlightenment has failed so why bother.
photo: no webpage, no money, no friends
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: i just do, when you got a name like 'big ben' life is easy. lots of friends, cool parties, chicks. yup, thats me.
what i don't like about myself: the fact that the deutschland has held me captive for far too long.
what makes me a complex human being: the ability to hunt and gather and make tools. jesus was a carpenter too.

name: Martin
age: 17 crazy years
city-state: Voerde, Germany
height, weight: 1,75meters; 65kg
converse size: ?
icq/aim: ?
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: KoRn, Rage against the machine, soft music as well
last protest participation?:
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: You have to ask my friends!
what i don't like about myself: Holy shit, what a question, I DON'T KNOW !!!
what makes me a complex human being: I'M JUST A GERMAN MAN. ONE OF MILLION OTHERS.


name: Steve
homepage: still building it....
age: FUCK ME !!!!......I'm 33.!!
city-state: The Hague, Holland
height, weight: 6ft.....11stone
converse size: aaw, piss off.
icq/aim: 53082255....[ ICQ ]
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: right now, it's THE WERN'T....
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: I'd rather not say, understand...
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I'm a potential rock-god , if that's any use....not only that, but I (sometimes) am caring/considerate/thoughtful.. ...all that shit, hahaha, an ok kinda lad..!!
what i don't like about myself: the usual shit that everyone, needlessly,worries looks, getting what I want out of life,blah blah bellyache blah....
what makes me a complex human being: Being single is making me neurotic!! I need my punk-rockin' soulmate...where are you ?


name: Luhuna Carvalho
homepage: nope
age: 18
city, state: Portugal
height, weight: 182 cm, 65 kg
converse size: 10
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: Black Flag; Fear; Big Black; Antisect; Swans
smoker?: addicted, i blame it on the r.j. reynolds
drinker?: fucking alcoholic
druggie?: the needle is surgically implanted into my arm
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: Mumia Abu jamal
for sale: im not a sissy, like the rest of you, and this site sure isn´t punk rock, but hell, i like meeting people anyway so mail me if you´re interested in something more than green day

name: BloodyAngel
homepage: don't have one
age: 22 years but feels like more
city, state: lisbon, portugal, europe
height, weight: don't know and don't care
converse size: 9
icq/aim: 23613918
mission: boy looking for girl
favorite band: sunny day real estate, joy division, braid, so on
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: nah, beer tastes like shit
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: vegan-core
last protest participation?: against bullfights
for sale: whatever