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name: Paul
age: 26 years
city-state: Phoenix, AZ
height, weight: 5'11" & 155 lbs.
converse size: 11
icq/aim: boony69
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Rancid & Crass & Aus Rotten & Pansy Division
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?:
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I have a nice tight ass! I look amazing in tight leather pants! I'm confidant and outgoing. I never let anyone get me down about who I am, though they do try.
what i don't like about myself: Sometimes I give off the impression that I'm snotty and conceited, though I'm not. This quality tends to distract people from who I really am.
what makes me a complex human being: I don't think that anyone knows who I really am. I have lots of friends, but none of them have ever gotten close enough to me to let me reveal my true self to them. I wish that I had someone that I could talk openly and honestly with.

name: punker
age: 21 rowdy f@*kin years
city-state: ARIZONA...tucson, home of nothin
height, weight: 5'9 155 super punk cute
converse size: 10.5
icq/aim: what the hell is i not surf enough?
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: blah blah blah...good hard fast punk rock
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: trying to win the heart of a striaght indie boy
photo: email me if youre punk as fuck...then u have a chance
photodescription: or just be super fucking cute...
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: this is like one of those questions in a job interview...what the hell... i think i am cool as all get out, but lots of people hate me cause they think i am a prick. to be honest i think they are just a little bit jealous...all i know is that i drink beer, go to shows, and dont wash my hair? does that make me cool or punk enough...
what i don't like about myself: the fact that i am unable to land a cute boy who doesnt fuckin listen to ani difrance or techno. they all fuckin love to shop and sip fuckin cranberry breezes. IS TUCSON JUST DEVOID OF ANY FUCKING QUEER PUNKS...find me we gotta stick together/
what makes me a complex human being: the fact that i can smoke, shit, and read all at the same fucking time..come on...this is lame.


name: Eric Checkers Hernandez
age: 19 years
city, state: Whittier/Northridge, California
height, weight: 5'11'' and 200#
converse size: 13
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Crass, Shonen Knife, Autonomy, Pizzicato 5, Fugazi
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: nah, beer tastes like shit
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: Does Youth Lobby Day count?
for sale: Well now, I'm into photography and creative writing, going to shows and dancing to techno. I like to play my bass guitar when I can and I am looking for the coolest guys or girls to kick back with. I'm sweet, honest, affectionate, pacifist, kind, and loving. Looking for friends and looking for love as well. I've never met that perfect guy for me. I have met the perfect girl, but. . . that is in the past and I'll tell you about it sometime. Still, everyone is welcome. If you're a no bullshit type of person who likes to keep it real, then get in touch with me. Peace out and take care.

name: Justin
age: 20 Earth years
city, state: Sacramento, Ca
height, weight: 5'10 and an emaciated 120lbs
converse size: I wear boots
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Name dropping for punk points is lame!
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: fucking alcoholic
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: vegan-core
last protest participation?: Last Friday, and often in shitty Sacto protests
photo: Query me and maybe I'll show it to you
for sale: I'm a bisexual vegan-feminist-anarchist boi. I have an interest in political ideologies, sociology and philosophy. My bike gets me around town (not only fun, but environmentally sound!) I do a lot of volunteering and activism. I'm a guitar player with a fervent love for music. I'm not into the anti-social thing, and I'm even less into dominant culture and society. I like people and love interacting with kindred others. I loathe society as a whole, Western culture and capitalism. I enjoy kickin' it with friends while drinking too much beer.

name: Laramie
January 29, 2000
age: Forever!
city-state: Los ANgeles, CA (HELL)
height, weight: 5'9"
converse size: 9
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Ramones
extra-curricular addictions: alcohol
vegetarian?: it's okay if i eat fish, right?
last protest participation?: Uh!
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I'm a singer, songwriter, guitarist in a soft-core punk band from L.A. I'm 5'9", 145, bld/grn, 25 and looking for a hot little punk boy under 20 for a long term relationship.Oi!
what i don't like about myself: What's there not to like?
what makes me a complex human being: I'm miserable!


name: Shaun Roberts
August 7, 2000
age: 19 years
city-state: NiceVille, FLORIDA
height, weight: 6 feet 190
converse size: 11
icq/aim: TLD KAIN
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: QUEERS
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: Act 17
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: Because I own hardcore gay porn
what i don't like about myself: I don't own enough gay porn
what makes me a complex human being: I hoard all the porn I can find. Rockin


name: NAILZ

age: like a third of my life
city-state: hawaii nei
height, weight: o-nay
converse size: deceiving
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: TVHKB, PME, Country Cocks
extra-curricular addictions: marijauna
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I swear I'm fish!
what i don't like about myself: simple chronic hallitosis
what makes me a complex human being: well, like besides the fact that i'm such a sensitive artiste, i count among my most redeeming quantities my ability to lie without knowing the truth, and eat without having to defecate, but beware, i can look right thru you with my brown eye and tell within haling if you're a sassin or not. you don't have to come equipped the same features, just the gene for single-eyelids. or at least


name: Dave Theory
age: 19 years
city-state: Chicago, IL
height, weight: 59kg // im short
converse size: 9 or so
icq/aim: AIM: unixpunk IRC: phurball
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: The Vomit Punx, Green Day, The Pist, Destroy!
extra-curricular addictions: alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: i protested going to class by sleeping through it
photodescription: i like goya products and im actually wearing that same sweater now
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: high tolerance for pain
i understand unix and other kinds of networking
i understand the Metric system
I can speak broken Russian
*green day rules*
what i don't like about myself: i'm a big fat moron with a big but and my butt smells and i like to kick my own butt..
i live on the northside of chicago
what makes me a complex human being: Who said I was complex... I'm not.. im a unix nerd with a lot of free time on his hands and ive been awake for two days straight at work and uhhhh. ahhh.
I love the 35th/Archer stop on the Orange Line and the 63/Ashland stop on the Green Line..


name: - andrew -
age: 20 years and counting.
city, state: Louisville, KY
height, weight: 5'10"/135-40
converse size: 9.5
icq/aim: ICQ: heartonmysleeve; IM: losetheday
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Get Up Kids, Appleseed Cast, Gloria Record, etc.
smoker?: social smoker
drinker?: occasionally, i'll knock back a few beers after a long day
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: The strike of Greg and I to get Julia to change the music from Led Zeppelin to the "Rent" soundtrack
for sale: Yeah. Um, just write me. Or ICQ or IM. Or something. I'm not picky.

name: DC wearin Gen
April 4, 2000
age: 20 short years
city-state: MI, NY, IN, TN and now, Bowling Green, KY
height, weight: 5'10", 150 lbs.
converse size: I don't wear 'em!
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Gorilla Biscuits, Econochrist, MonsterX rok my sox
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
vegetarian?: vegan-core
last protest participation?: i protested going to a damn dirty shrink!
photo: i look like Ben from Econochrist w/ glasses
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: i'm a real cutie! Actually, i am sensitive, loyal to my friends and i will always try to be there for people, no matter what. i try to be as selfless as i can. i'm open minded (i hope). i'm very open with my feelings. Oh yeah! Sculpted facial hair!
what i don't like about myself: Don't ask me that! i think i can finally accept myself! Okay, i suck because sometimes i try too hard. i also have a thin skin sometimes.
what makes me a complex human being: i like to play music (bass, drums, SCREEEEEAM), write songs... i'm pretty artistic when the mood hits me. i wish i could write a damn short story or finish drawing a comic when i start one though! Also, i've got a great collection of h/c vinyl (sXe, hc/punk, grind, crust), which i neglect buying food to have money for. i might go deaf, but i won't get fat! Should i be proud of that? It's questionable.


name: Steve 664 Naive
age: 16 years
city, state: Baltimore, MD
height, weight: 5'7", 130
converse size: 9.5
icq/aim: anok4pc
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Crass
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: nah, beer tastes like shit
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: vegan-core
last protest participation?: Anti-Bombing at the Pentagon
photo: me looking dirty
for sale: i am really fucking dirty, active with anarchy and am very into civil insurrection in order to restore this dark world to the beauty it has the potential for....and i'm sexy

name: Jeff
age: 17 years old
city-state: Maryland
height, weight: 5'11", 160
converse size: Size 11
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: AFI, Strung Out, NOFX, Get Up Kids
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?:
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I am a nice guy looking for some nice people to talk to or get together with.
what i don't like about myself:
what makes me a complex human being:


name: Rick
homepage: i'm not that sophisticated
age: 24 years.
city, state: grew up in NH, now live in Boston
height, weight: 5'9" 150#
converse size: i don't own cons
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Op Ivy, Propagandhi, and non punk stuff
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: occasionally, i'll knock back a few beers after a long day
druggie?: only when im bored
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: not standing for national anthem
for sale: Right, so I suppose I'm not a full card carrying member of the punk subculture since I shower every day, work for the "establishment" and don't have hundreds of 7 inch records. So call me a half breed or something. Anyways, I can't seem to find any cool guys that are gay or bi. So here I am at the monkeylove personals. What has my life come to? Well about me, I'm a college senior, 24, 5'9", 150#, short blond hair, blue eyes. Fairly introverted and sarcastic, but not totally disillusioned with the world. I read, write, record music and spoken word pieces, and am interested in getting into film making. I am loosely Buddhist, and enjoy yoga and meditation. I'm also interested in consciousness studies, and altered states there of - particularly via the psilocybin mushrooms. Right, so write to me if you want.


name: Jonny
age: 20 years
city, state: Madison Heights, MI
height, weight: 5'8", 115#
converse size: 9 1/2
icq/aim: 2306935 ...or Skafiend69
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Queers, Propagandhi, Screeching Weasel, Anti-Flag
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: nah, beer tastes like shit
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: queer boys against emo
photo: Wacked out
for sale: I've been into the detroit local scene for the last 5 years...and have been in various bands, so you may have seen me around. If i'm not at a show, i'm hangin out with friends, or working at my ever changing job.


name: Elias
July 28, 2000
age: 17 yers.
city-state: Columbia, MO
height, weight: whot?
converse size: What is converse?
icq/aim: I no unerstand.
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Brtiney Spers is hot.
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: Wen my girlfreind didn't want sex i made her.
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I liks the womens.
what i don't like about myself: I'm a faggot.
what makes me a complex human being: I not understnad.


name: Adam
June 15, 2000
age: 22 long years
city-state: Omaha, NE
height, weight: Manly-man sized
converse size: He-have-foot-like-big-camel
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Minor Threat, Tripping Daisy, Fugazi
extra-curricular addictions: alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: it's okay if i eat fish, right?
last protest participation?: I wrote 'Free Leonard Peltier' on the chalkboard outside of Chili's in the Mall. I felt pretty tough
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: Gosh, that's mighty embarassing. Nope, I don't think I can go on and on about myself at this point in our relationship.
what i don't like about myself: Gee, I dunno. Umm, I have a hole in my shoe. Yep, that's it. I definately don't like my shoe. The right one.
what makes me a complex human being: Oh, the conflict and turmoil of it all! Am I punk enough to be 'really punk'? Can you be 'sorta punk'? If I don't cut the mustard of punk-ness, could I be the only non-punk who truly understands and is ever-infatuated with everyone who is 'punk enough'? Oh, the tragedy! What would life be worth to be forver an indie-kid always yearning for, but ever denied my true punkitudiness... Oh yeah, I also have a nifty singing voice and a sensitive ponytail.

name: Glenn
June 27, 2000
age: 15 tiring years
city-state: La Vista,Nebraska
height, weight: 140- 5' 10
converse size: 12
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Fugazi,Rancid,
extra-curricular addictions: marijauna
last protest participation?: BAND
photo: NO
photodescription: no
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I am a Bisexual,nice an EMO punk
what i don't like about myself: A little hyper ,and have a short temper
what makes me a complex human being:

new york

name: vocabulary_workshop
age: 20 years
city, state: from Pittsburgh, moving to NYC
height, weight: 6'1, more than a small whale
converse size: 13
icq/aim: designnrrd
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Don Caballero
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: nah, beer tastes like shit
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: mumia stuff
for sale: i am a dork. are you?
i like graphic design.
i am passionate.
i am idealistic.

rock me like a hurricane.

name: BEJAY R
age: 24 yearz of pogo-ing!
city, state: JFK area,Queens,New York
height, weight: 5'9 157lbs wha'bout the?
converse size: Adidas only or Doc Martens-10
icq/aim: huh? wha? hook-up?right!
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Exploited,Amebix,Conflict, Crass,Oi! bands,goth 2
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: occasionally, i'll knock back a few beers after a long day
druggie?: only when im bored
vegetarian?: it's okay if i eat fish, right?
last protest participation?: Tompskins Square Park Riot 1986
photo: very photogenic but sorr..y n/a leather jacket, bondage pants,red mohawk, oxbloods, nose ring<---me
for sale: Oi!Looking for any punk rock bois to be friends with or date, or trade ideas and music with. I like chaos punk, oi!, skin bands, techno to hehe,some ska, N.Y.H.C, and hopefully you! :::wink:: I am into piercings, tats are cool, I play guitar, and promote rave parties-jeeze that's a secret-shh!I like Hare krishna food, but I like burgers too. Committed 4 Life! "I am gonna Stay Young Till I Die!!!!" I will answer all replies- just keep it real! Anarqia Y paz! El Cafe PUnk! Birthday 7/13- anyone know why pits are so much fun? You fall and your buddies are always there to pick you up! Unity! byE =) P.S.- there was a lot of space left here, if I wrote anymore, it would be like homework.

name: cris crap
January 13, 2000
age: 24
city-state: new york
height, weight: 6' 145lbs
converse size: 9 and a half
icq/aim: ?
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: tchkung, toy dolls, soc. d., brother inferior, etc
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: tree sitting at fall creek with red cloud thunder, saving old growth trees
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: try to be open minded as possible, try to stand by my beliefs, ridiculous knowledge of films, ridiculous sense of theatrics
what i don't like about myself: mood swings, need for companionship that I allow to keep me from doing more things
what makes me a complex human being: I want to learn as much as possible, I actually think there is hope for humanity, not ashamed to say I am an anarcho-punk ha ha


name: scotty niemet
age: 26 years so far
city-state: killumbus ohio X614X
height, weight: 5'6 150 lb.
converse size: 9
icq/aim: xxineptxx
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: um.. at the drive in,pulp,converge,joy division :
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: queer pride march
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: hmm. i like me a lot. im a good kid. i'm a nice sXe boi that smiles alot. but i stress out quite abi because im always makin myself relly busy with work,shows,band,art space,queer youth center,,, i cold go on with what keeps me busy.
what i don't like about myself: i get grumpy and pout every once in awhile. i can be a big bossy bastard too.
what makes me a complex human being: um...hmm... im 26 and have never gone steady(hehehe) with a boy ever! so i get a pretty big complex from that what you mean by being complexed??? haha
no really im a cool mutha fucka. im actually the cutes sxe queer boi i know from ohio. i gots a little bit of an ego. XXX


name: Damien C
January 8, 2000
age: 16 years
city-state: South Jersey (about 20 min from Philly)
height, weight: 5'9" don't know my weight
converse size: 11
icq/aim: icq: 17098393 aim: DamienMCC
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: The Ramones, NOFX, Green Day, Weezer, Nirvana, etc
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: um, nothing really
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I pretty much do whatever I like and not what people think I should like. Everyone else I know listens to either rap or metal so I listen to punk. Everyone else shaved their heads so I'm letting my hair get long. Everyone else buys their entire wardrobe at Old Navy so I buy mine at the Flea Market and the Thrift Shop and Hot Topic. I also play guitar, and in true punk fashion, I hate playing solos. Someone please form a band with me! Oh, and I have the uncanny ability to twist what people say around and make it sound perverted.
what i don't like about myself: I am a closet computer nerd, I don't exercise, I cuss too much, I'm claustrophobic, I have no job, I have no girlfriend, I hate hot weather, my standards for females are too high, I'm catholic
what makes me a complex human being: I used to be really depressed and resentful of the human race in general, but I realized that if you hate everything and everyone on the planet then you'll never get anywhere. Plus I wasn't getting any. HAHA GODDAMN I'M FUNNY.

name: Joe short for josiah
May 3, 2000
homepage: No
age: 21
city-state: Curwnesville Pa
height, weight: 5'1" 175
converse size: 6
icq/aim: 42465668
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: N'Sync
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: obstaining from animal flesh is satisfying enough (ovo-lacto-core)
last protest participation?: I protested against the prejeduce that Amish Gay men endure.
photo: no
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I am a well built caucasion and I am seeking someone to share special time with. I am loving and caring, and treat people like I would want to be treated.
what i don't like about myself: I am a bit too emotional.
what makes me a complex human being: I am attracted to both sexes but I am more geared towards men. I love the way men hold me. They are so strong and I feel very protected when I am with men.

rhode island

name: Crusher
age: 32 years
city-state: Providence, RI
height, weight: 6 Ft. 200 Lbs.
converse size: 10+1/2
icq/aim: I don't know what this means.
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Wretch like me,Business, Bouncing Souls,H2O,Etc.
extra-curricular addictions: nothing really
last protest participation?: boycotting the stupid "gravity games"
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: I fucking rock because I'm a nice guy who's smart and well educated, but I look like a fucking serial killer and people assume I'm a stupid criminal and it's fun to turn the tables on the
what i don't like about myself: I don't like the fact that women can't get enough of me but I scare most gay men I meet. Is this cosmic injustice or what
what makes me a complex human being: I am "too old" by most standards to even be at a punk rock/hardcore show but I'll still go out in the pit from time to time while the seasoned veterans of punk who are ten years younger than me are afraid of going near the pit 'cause they might spill their beer. I go to shows to have fun, whther I stand back and watch or go out and raise a little hell. I don't drink ,don't smoke and don't do any drugs. I have a life outside of punk rock and I believe in bathing. Any questions? Feel free to e-mail me. (P.S. I chose the CRUSHER as my name for this add because he is the cartoon character I most resemble--if you don't remeber the CRUSHER he is the wrestler who bugs bunny faces while in the employ of another wrestler named Ravishing Roger--Fuck it watch cartoon network for the r

south carolina

name: james
age: 17
city-state: charleston,south carolina
height, weight: 140
converse size: 10
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: op ivy,minor threat,screeching weasel,the queers
extra-curricular addictions: cigarettes, alcohol, marijauna
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?:
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: im open minded,laid back,caring,affectionate,and fun to drink with.
what i don't like about myself: im kinda shy but nothing a couple 40's cant fix
what makes me a complex human being: e-mail me and find out



name: Chris
age: 17 years old.
city-state: Burlington,Ontario
height, weight: 6'3" 175lbs
converse size: 11 (low tops are more fun)
mission: boy looking for boy
favorite band: Weezer, Propagandhi, Donny Osmond (kidding)
vegetarian?: vegan-core
last protest participation?: OCAP Safe park '99
what i like about myself, why i ROCK!: Hey Tykes, This boy is a daydreamer, writer, activist, sensitive, happy, and contented person. I am looking for friends (more?) who enjoy the whimsical and the serious, and whom sometimes read something more deep than a billboard. Vegetarianism is a plus, vegan not too important. I like all sorts of music, and am starting an emo band right now.
what i don't like about myself: I guess my nose is a bit large, however I am not pinochio (hehehe). Honestly, I am just a really happy person and that includes with myself.
what makes me a complex human being: and the beat goes on....



name: Kev CE
age: 18
city, state: England
height, weight: of what! hehe!
converse size: 10, converse suck!
icq/aim: what the hell does this mean
mission: boy looking for boy or girl
favorite band: Samiam, Propagandhi, Leatherface, Face to Face, UK
smoker?: no way, jose!
drinker?: fucking alcoholic
druggie?: if i learned anything at school, it was that drugs are BAD!
vegetarian?: if we don't eat em, what else are animals good for?
last protest participation?: dirty protest of toilet quality, joke!
photo: This is really me!
for sale: Just e-mail me O.K!