Demented Ramblings of a WARPED mind...

The TEN Commandments for REAL MEN

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

I'm still working on theses sites, as beer and my sleepless nights allow! I just hope that my prozac holds out until I can get it refilled... Have fun!


Be sure to check out all the links to my madness... (actually its just a little paranoid delusion right now, that last hit of crack seemed to help out alot!)

Hope you're enjoying the fruits (appropriate choice of words there) of my labour here. As you can see, the list is growing by leaps and bounds! Hard is it is to type in this straight jacket, I'm still working hard to expell these demons in my soul on to the internet. Can't think of a better place to leave them, EITHER.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Spagetti Western Porno Movie Page
The Land of the Great Blue Monkey
The SOUTH PARK Police Department
Ten SIMPLE rules to date my daughter
