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Inspirational Thoughts...

I hope that you enjoy these little sayings as much as I do. I love to look for these and pass them along to others.

"It is not through argument that we know God, but through faith."

"It is better to live for God than be perpetually talking about Him."

"Every Christian is a sign-post to God...or should be."

"Rejections, in any walk of life, are merely life's prunings. They may hurt, but bigger blossoms follow."

"If one cannot control oneself, one is not fit to control others."

"If you cannot pray about what you're doing, what you're doing had better not be done."

"True meekness is not weakness."

"To be honest is better than to win applause."

"Angels guard you...if you walk with God."

"He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much; He who loses faith, loses all."

"The tongue weighs practically nothing, but so very few can hold it."

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