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Awards and Gifts

These are a few of the awards and gifts I have received. I am very proud of them and sincerely thank all who have sent them my way.

This award given to Miss Peach by Cynthia March 1, 1999 Thanks Cynthia

This award given to Miss Peach by Joy March 12, 1999 Thank you Joy

This award was given to Miss Peach March 18, 1999. Thanks so much Diane!

This award given to Miss Peach March 23, 1999. Thanks Tina!

This award was given to Miss Peach on March 31, 1999. Thanks Diane!

This gift was given to Miss Peach on April 5, 1999. Thanks Ceylon!

This award was given to Miss Peach on April 5, 1999. Thanks Elizabeth!

This award given to Miss Peach on April 6, 1999. Thanks Angie!

This award given to Miss Peach on April 9, 1999. Thanks Grandma George!

This award given to Miss Peach on April 15, 1999.

This award given to Miss Peach on April 19, 1999. Thanks MommaMouse!

This award given to Miss Peach on April 21, 1999. Thanks Don!

This award was given to Miss Peach on April 30, 1999. Thanks Diane!

Parriet's Pooh Place AwardThis award given August 17, 1999. Thanks Parriet Family!

August 24, 1999 Thanks Beth!

September 1, 1999 Thanks Setterstroms!

September 1, 1999 Thanks Janice!

September 8, 1999 Thanks Toni!

September 27, 1999 Thanks Cathy!

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