Life opinions...and a poem :)

L I F E :

"Always cherish what you do have in life rather than take it for granted until you no longer have it anymore." Ally, 15

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..." This quote means a lot to me b/c it really describes the true meaning of being in love and it allowed me to see that my boyfriend truly loves me!!! =O) Melanie, 16

"Don't go out with some one for pity!" Jenna, 15

"I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body!" Dave, 17

"Life is 50/50. 50% good and 50% sh*tty. School is part of the sh*tty 50% but growing and experiencing new things is part of the good 50%. Jay, 16

"I think everyone should live each day to it's fullest. Don't let the little things bother you, for it will get you no where in life. Be kind to everyone, and always share your love with everyone, because you never know when they will be gone." Jillian, 14

"Well, I think life is a very bad thing to waste, I believe people should live there life out to the fullest, also just b/c some thing happens don't let it mess up your life and you should move on." Dennis, 16

"I guess life is just like a slap in the face. It's reality and I must say that reality sucks." Christyna, 14

"Women are like parking spaces- all the good ones are taken or handicapped." Mike, 17

"When life throws you a curveball, smack it back in their faces....I'm at a stage in my life where I've been thinking about EVERYTHING, and I realize that without my friends and family, and all their support, and help, I wouldn't be who I am...I am soo thankful for certain people coming into my life and I realize now with their help that all things happen for a good just have to find the good in the situation." Michelle, 15

"In these 16 years of my life, I've come to realize that nothing is what you think it is. The do-gooders have alterier motives, the bad-ass crew just wants some attention. Our lives have been shaped for us, by everyone but the most important person, yourself. I'd like others to take a step back from their lives, and realize whats truly important to them. Forget about what you've been taught to be important, decide for youself. Only then will you be happy, when you realize what life is all about...." Tina M, age 16

"Enjoy life, there's plenty of time to be dead." Day DelNay, age 15

"Always live ur life to the fullest. Take chances, don't sit and worry about the outcome. Like don't be afraid to ask someone out if u don't know if they like you, there is still a chance that they'll say yes, but by being scared and not doing anything, u might be blowing away sometine great. You got nothing to lose, u might just have something to gain!" -Matt, 15

As I sit here and watch

the wind blowing on faces
I'm wondering how it feels.

Do people feel the wind the same way,

or is it different some may say.

People feel differently,

with everything they do.

But if people only knew,

how it felt to be with you.
By: Kate Maniscalchi, 17

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