* Baseball Quotes *

"Softball girls are the best..we can do it in 9 postions. "

"You miss 100% of the swings you never take.."

"The one constant through all the years, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. Oh people will come, People will most definitely come. ~Terrance Mann, 'Field Of Dreams'

"It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great." ~'Jimmy Dugan, 'A League of Their Own'

"Heros get remembered, but legends never die." -Babe Ruth, 'The Sandlot'

"Personally, I never walk up to the plate with thoughts of not winning. "

"And be proud...No matter what."

"I've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals. I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down."

"To give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."

"You must sacrifice, train, and do everything possible to put yourself in a position to win. But if you consider second or third a failure, I feel sorry for you. "

"In baseball, the individual is highlighted, but in the end, his performance means nothing outside the team"

"Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterdays success or put its failures behind you. Thats the way life is, with a new game everyday, and thats the way baseball is."

"I've learned that you shouldnt go threw life with a catchers mitt on both hands,you have to have one hand free to throw something back."

"Dedication and commitment are what transfer dreams into realities."

"A coach is someone who always makes you do what you don't want to so, so you can be who you've always wanted to be."

"There is no glory in practice, but without practice there is no glory."

"A winner is someone who sets their goals, commits themselves to those goals and then pursues their goals with all the ability that God has given them. That requires someone who believe in themselves, who will make self sacrifices, work hard, and maintain the determination to perform at the best of their ability."

"The pride you gain is worth the pain."

"A game begins the moment you forget you are playing."

"It's just throwing and catching and hitting and running. Whats simpler then that?" Paul Richards/Orioles manager.

"Ninety feet between the bases is the nearest thing to perfection that man has yet achieved." --Red Smith

"The clock doesn't matter in baseball. Time stands still or moves backward. Theoretically, one game could go on forever. Some seem to." --Herb Caen

"You gotta be a man to play baseball for a living, but you gotta have a lot of little boy in you." --Roy Campanella

"When I was a small boy in Kansas, a friend of mine and I went fishing...I told him I wanted to be a real major league baseball player. A genuine professional like Honus Wagner. My friend said he'd like to be President of the United States. Neither of us got our wish." --Dwight D. Eisenhower

"There have been only two geniuses in the world. Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare." --Tallulah Bankhead, actress

"One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in awhile you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to, reach down and prove something." --Nolan Ryan

"I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep playing baseball." --Pete Rose

"I ain't ever had a job. I just always played baseball." --Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige

"How hard is hitting? You ever walk into a pitch-black room full of furniture that you've never been in before and try to walk through it without bumping into anything? Well, it's harder than that." --Ted Kluszewski

"The greatest thrill in the world is to end the game with a home run and watch everybody else walk off the field while you're running the bases on air." --Al Rosen

"Baseball is the only field of endravor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer." --Ted Williams

"Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he's losing; nobody wants you to quit when you're ahead." --Jackie Robinson

"Kids are always chasing rainbows, baseball is a world where you can catch them"~ Johnny Vander Meer

"Baseball players are the weirdest of all, I think it's all that organ music" Peter Gent(Author)

"As a nation we are dedicated to keeping physically fit- and parking as close to the stadium as possible"~ Bill Vaughn

"Most slumps are like the commen cold. They last two weeks nomatter what you do"~ Terry Kennedy

"Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensivly. On offence, indeed thou shall steal and thou must"~ Branch Rickey

"All pitchers are either liars or crybabies"~ Yogi Berra

"It helps if the hitter thinks your a little crazy"~Nolan Ryan

"The wind always seems to be blowing aganist catchers when they are running"~ Joe Garagiola

"If you don't play to win, why keep score?"~ Vernon Law

"Ive never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes"~ Leo Durocher

"Cheating is a much of the game as hot dogs and scorecards"~ Billy Martin

"I don't put any foreign substances on the baseball. Everything I use is from the good old U.S.A."~ George Frazier

"I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go and chase it"~ Rogers Hornsby

"The only thing fair in life is a hit between first and third."

"You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out it was the other way around all the time." ~Jim Bouton

"Don't fit in with lesser talent."

"Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not for the name on the back."

The Athlete's Prayer

Lord, please clear my head of all distrations, and my heart of all burdens I may bear, so I may perform my very best knowing You'll always be there. Please lift me up before the moment, so through Your eyes I may see, and have a cleared understanding as the game unfolds before me. With great courage I meet this challenge, as you would have me to, but keep me humble and remind me that my strength comes from knowing You. Then when all eyes are upon me at the end of this big game, I will turn their eyes to You O'Lord, and to the glory of Your name. Amen.

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