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ahora es que es!


weeeeeeeell.. after.. how long has it been.. a year?? more? bah.. im finally updating this damn page. i always do it when im extremely bored, sad or whatever... right now, im a little of those.. hehe..

my birthday is in 5 days!! yeah.. the big ol' 2-2.. wow.. i feel so old.. not old, but i havent done anything good with my life.. i'd love to do more interesting stuff this new year.. cause 2005 sucked ass.. it has been the WORST year ever.. thats whyyyyyy...



sooo.. off to #1!

1. FINALLY get my drivers license..
good lord.. i still dont have it..

2. buy a freaking car

3. get married
ok, not really.. but, GOD PLEASE!!! let me find someone that finally loves meeeeee!!!

4. stop drinking and smoking so much
i always try to quit smoking, but its just hard.. agh.. we'll see.. about the drinking? well.. thats a little easier.. but my friends are too convincing..

5. quit my work and start studying
i love blockbuster, but im not staying there til im 50.. so.. yeah.. gotta do something for myself



you know what to do! go see the linkyloos and sign the damn guestbook! :P

esta pagina es traida a ustedes por: El Chavo del Ocho
"Eso, eso, eso!"

aaah, jackie boy.. youve been so good to me.. :)


well, visit the links down there and maybe it'll help ya! :D

~*^*~£ìñky £øø'§~*^*~


pics for your viewing pleasure!

Pandora (all_hail_queen_veky)

its supposed to be MY art.. but its not art :D

Info about meh!

My shrine to my dog, ToTo! :)

Which ... am i? pretty cool site!

Angelfire. The beautiful people who let me made this piece of crap page! :D

go go go go gooooo

even El Barto signed.. so, YOU do it now!! :D

Read my guestbook, nosy bastard!
Sign my guestbook, lazy bastard!

donate blood. cause i sure fucking dont.

Hanson will always be my favorite band. I can't even explain what they mean to me. Sure, I love lots of other bands, but Hanson will always be HOME for me. No other band will ever be what Hanson is to me.