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Search For HARDY Children

Darrell Robert Hardy and Teresa Lynn Hardy were born in Athens County, Ohio to Eldon and Dellis Yates Hardy. Both were given up for adoption and now their two older sisters wish nothing more than to reunite this family!

Teresa Lynn Hardy born 07 September, 1947 in Athens County, Ohio, was placed, at the age of three, in the Athens County Childrens Home in Ohio. The caseworker was Mrs. Bridgewater.

Teresa only remained there a few weeks before being placed in the foster home of the Frost's. It is known that the Frost family had a daughter namedCarol.

At approx. age 5 yrs old, Teresa was sent to live with a Professor from Ohio Universityin Athens, Ohio and his wife. It is thought that she was later adopted by this family.

A family member remembers Teresa as having Blonde hair and Brown eyes

Darrell Robert Hardy, born 09, November 1950 in Athens County, Ohio was sent, at the age of 8 months, to live with Iraand Carlotta Parker Savage, possibly near Logan, WV.

Last known the Savage family called Darrell by the name of Butch.

Darrell is said to have had light Brown hair and Blue eyes.

Eldon Robert Hardy and Dellis Averil Yates Hardy are both deceased and the known siblings only wish to reunite this family.

View the Hardy Family Group Sheets

If you have any information that can help reunite Dixie Lee Hardy Bailey with her two younger siblings, please contact Debra Foster at (606)739-6621 or by the E-mail listed below.

My sincere thanks to two women who have taken an
interest in this story and have put forth so much effort and time in the search for Teresa Lynn Hardy.

Thanks to Cathy Cooper at Ohio University for taking the time to answer my e-mail, devoting her personal time to searching and to attracting the attention of

Karen Gilkey Jones of the Alden Library, Archives and Special Collections Department. With the help of both Cathy and Karen, we are trying to narrow the search.
Thanks to Both!!


On September 17, 1998 the adopted family of Teresa Lynn Hardy was located.

Teresa was adopted by Robert Scott Ransom and Mary Fay Ihle, students from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Unfortunately, after a phone conversation with Mr. Ransom on September 18th, I learned that Teresa had been shot and killed by her husband, while living in Oregon approx. 15-20 years ago.

Teresa was raised in Lancaster, Ohio, where she also married. The name of her husband is still unknown. Work is under way to uncover the story of her murder and to find the son that we have learned she has.

This page will be updated regarding Teresa as information is obtained. We are finally bringing closure to this story and ending years of wonder for the sister she never new.

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