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Lovin Leo Contest

Hello!!! Here is the chance to win a rare Leo pin-up.Please choose to do one of the following! You have to have 60 points to get one! The contest will change sometimes, so watch!!! Here are some of the things you can do to earn points: 1.If you give me give me the HTML code to some of your pictures,you will recieve 10 points. 2.If you give some FAQS I don't have,you will get ten points. 3.Anyone who can tell me how to put a fluff on my page will recieve 5 points. GOOD LUCK ON EARNING POINTS!!! I will soon have your # of points posted on this page!!!

Enter my Contest!!

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

What is your E-mail Address so we can mail you if you win??
Which are you submitting??


Here is my point list:

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