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Friends - How They Look

Well well well... I finally got my own scanner and had taken the precious time out of 'doing nothing' to scan these photos and upload them. And I noticed that there are these dots on some of the photos which I scanned. Don't hassle me about them, because this is still the prototype. When I have more time (probably not in the near future) I will re-scan these photos and replace them. In the meantime, do enjoy what is on offer. More should be online soon (I hope).

Right click and select "View Image" to see the full version of the photos. That's for Netscape users. I think that the equivalent of "View Image" is "Show Picture" in Internet Explorer.

Two Women and an arm... TIME: May 2001
PLACE: Downtown
PEOPLE: (From Left) Sum and Em
COMMENTS: It was Em's birthday that day, so we decided to go into the city and have some fun. Eventually we went to take some card photos, bum around in Starbucks and gossiped there. All in all, that was our idea of fun - though it may not sound fun to some - and Em must've got sick of receiving all of those Miffy gifts from us. And oh yes, that arm in the right belongs to Jenny. What a good way of getting into the picture :P

Cheese! TIME: January 2000
PLACE: LLJ's office
PEOPLE: LLJ and me
COMMENTS: This photo was a spur of the moment decision really. Although I have been to LLJ's work place so many times and it just seemed a little bit more than weird to bring a camera to her work place, we had a spare exposure or two before I finished my roll of film, so we might as well do some 'weird' thing for a usually 'unweird' get-together. And hasn't she got a lot of ornaments and little midget things in her office?

The girl who is afraid of mechanical gorillas TIME: January 1999
PLACE: Ocean Park, Hong Kong
PEOPLE: Pretz and me
COMMENTS: Not much to comment about really, the first time to Ocean Park in which we took our own cameras! And the thing Pretz was pointing to is a mechanical monkey (or gorilla) in the top left hand corner, just in case you couldn't see it. I'm pointing at her and saying that she's a nut.

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