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Friends - Are You One?

Friends - n, 1. Person whom one knows well and likes. 2. supporter.3. Quaker

NOTE: This is in no special particular order. All of this happens as they come into mind. Thank you to the one(s) who hassled me about the order (about who's first and last), at least you're one of the few who visit this page! Also, just another word, the content below is of personal opinion (and ONLY personal opinion).

阿心 Sum
豐富的人生經歷 - 阿心
Somewhat life-experienced, she may not seem to talk much in class or in discussion groups, instead she saves her breath amongst her peer group. Her mind, like myself, can be very complicated at times and nobody would understand what on Earth she's up to, but there are always times when the message gets through loud and clear. All in all, she's a great friend who is explicit in expressing what she detests, who comes together well in a sack, isn't she? (No, not one of those cutie looks, PLEASE...)

可飴 Em the Sunshine
Oh, the "model-like" person - with a tallish figure, skinny (or fatless - just to irritate her) and... with a sunshine smile. She has become even more sunshine now that she's got her braces off, leaving her with a pair of retainers which she doesn't have to wear to school, which leaves me sobbing because I still haven't got my braces off yet. Sometimes she annoys me as she stops in the middle of an intense conversation, and she leaves you to write the ending yourself, but she can send me laughing (or screaming in pain and agony) in various pitches, depending on how she tickles me.

小皂 Jo
Raindrops keep falling on her head...
Jo is a down-right musical person and she proves that by taking a degree in jazz music. How's that for seriousness? At high school she was a very active and keen member of various music groups like the string orchestra, jazz band, orchestra and so on. Her main instruments are the bass guitar and the violin. I have to say, she is a very cool and skilful bass guitar player, I am now starting to admire her as a musician ^_^ Other than her musical talents, her interesting expressions are one of her many appealing points... *giggle*!

The one who's a good playmate, she is someone who's got a hell of a lot of questions and a hell of a lot of comments. she gets on best with Sum (I think) and basically understand each other very much, just like peas and carrots. Her wacky, and at times hilarious, comments send us gasping for air, but when she gets down to business, usually she's the last one to crack up a joke like that.

Mon Mon
人肉 chocolate
She's like a tomboy, although I know she's not. She plays basketball and very rarely comes out in a skirt - I don't recall seeing her wear one anyway. She's pretty musical too and is into the drums and guitar. Budding musician like Jo B too aye?

百力枝 Pretz
A long time friend, we've been knowing each other since Form One. Although situations often change amongst ourselves as time goes by (like always, or else the term 'change over time' would be meaningless) and friends come and go, our friendship has remained intact. She's like an older sister to me: cheerful and talkative, yet she is diligent and is a hardworker when pressure's on. Good luck with your future academic life!

Size doesn't matter. Stef proudly proves that. She's got it all - brains, a pretty nice body figure (I hear...) and devotion to God. She amazes me by her wacky comments, yet stunning academic results. Somehow I have learnt to be reasonably quiet in her presence, she talks, but she doesn't usually start the topic (I'm the culprit). However her weak point is her ticklishness. Em and myself like to take full advantage of that and - hehehe - tickle her till she gasps for air. How mean.

Sporty Aussie
Nay Schmay... is one marvellous Australian. Originally from Canberra, I think that she and I have something in common. Although I'm nowhere near skilled in soccer like her, the way that she makes "bodily music" makes us a member of THE group. Jokes, put-downs and sarcasm fly to and fro, laughing at whatever is said... madly. Ah, maybe we were made for each other, being that we are both M-challenged (I am Mathematically challenged, she's Musically challenged).

Mike's "You-Know-Who" >P
Ah Angely. I've known of her existence since thrid form through a fellow student from my old primary school. That fellow student of mine eventually moved on and we met each other again in Geography class. She is not the typical Capricorn, although she humbly says she has the bad qualities of a Capricorn. Open to jokes and is a very caring friend, she is also a good date of Mike's. Her family has also got plans to move to Canada, but ideally, I - and many of her NZ friends - wish she'll stay in New Zealand and not go to Canada :(

The Kenyan refugee
No, he's not really a Kenyan, but his curlish hair somewhat resembles a HUGE refugee poster that was put up in a classroom before the teacher left, so we know of him as the Kenyan. He's not ashamed of this and proudly announces that he IS the Kenyan. Great stuff. He is intelligent and down-right into Geography, or else he wouldn't have got the Geography award anyway. And, he is owned by Angeline. Umm... yes, they own each other =P (Thanks Denz for the erratum)

Angely's "You-Know-Who" >P
Mikiko is da man: He's a jolly good fellow, is rarely mean to people (unless you're someone that steps on his toes...) and is especially nice to Angely. Why? He loves her! He's a great dude, with his Nintendopes website, wacky ideas and an occasional teasing of our great friend (who shall remain anonymous) he is a great bloke, a great bloke, and... a great bloke. Yay! And he's a Kenyan too, after being influenced by the Kenyan. Love me for the free publicity scheme there, Mike.

Obese spaghetti
My goodness... how does this German function? What type of growth hormones does he have in himself? Yes, he's tall. Darn tall. He hits the frames of door as often as I crash into walls (there's a secret) and believes that life is "all good", everything "is just like Christmas" and we should take a 'positive' approach to life, as shown in his Health and Transition lessons. With these great qualities, he'd be Denz the Philosopher in no time. Also, with his hidden qualities, along with Mikiko he'll be Denz the Maestro of Mockery. Muhahaha.

Sporty Jo
Here's another Jo, a sporty Jo. She's into soccer and sticking little (or big) fancy things into her hair. They look really good on her, partly because she looks pretty good anyway. Woo there's a complement. Though she's sporty, appearance means a hell of a lot and I cannot remember seeing her in a mess - her hair sometimes looks messy, but it's all good. She's interested in boys, and boys are interested in her too. Let's not get into the number of admirers she has, or else I'll go on forever...

Emz, from "Set 'em up!" - dragon boating
Emz knows all too well about Betty (read on and find out who Betty is) and the relationship we have between us. OK, she's a very skilful flute player and has a great laugh - you know, ones that make people go beetroot in the face and gasp for air. We can talk incessantly about Betty and her friend Buzz, and very few people - if anybody - understand what and who we're talking about. That's a big secret we share between each other, and that is really cool. Apart from that, she's also good when it comes to advice, because she's a really caring and generous person.

Bill Door
A HUGE fan of foreign cultures
She is the only Kiwi friend whom I still keep in touch with from primary school. A very keen learner in languages and so far (if I could keep count) she knows Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, German, French and a little bit of Cantonese. Also she is a very advanced speller, learning how to spell complicated words at a very young age. She's into Chinese dancing as well, which makes her a very active person in foreign cultures. Hats off to you.

Primary school friends... still in touch though!
One of the few primary school friends (along with Bill Door) whom I still keep in touch with, she resides in Brisbane. From what I can remember of her, she is good at her studies and is a skilful player of the piano and the flute (am I correct?) She once had orthodontic braces and as e-mail pals, our most common topics are: school, her dog Spot and my crap-talk about the 'good old' days (especially the things about this intermediate school teacher whom we used to loathe so badly)

"I'm going to open a school for blondes."
The name 'Betty' came from a mistake from a blonde guy, who happened to put the wrong name on the wrong piece of paper. Anyway, Betty is super, what other word would match up with 'super'? One could call her my social and academic mentor, because of all the invaluable advice and support she has given me. How generous! Nobody could compare with her wacky sense of humour, nor could anybody compare with her blondeness. To Buzz and Robyn, we just cannot forget what happened on Betty's b'day outing, that day when we made history... but we survived to tell the tale to half of the school, DIDN'T WE?

With a mean streak...
Buzz's name came from Emz, who thought she needed a nickname like Betty and thought Buzz sounds like something along the lines of her name and... voila! She is a good friend of Betty's, and so they're just peas and carrots. Likewise, when Emz and I talk about Betty, it'd be unlikely that we wouldn't be talking about Buzz as well. Buzz is another person I talk to regarding academic problems and - at times - social stuck-in-a-ruts. Just like Betty she is willing to give advice to me, while always briefing my situation to her. Bizarre huh?

Born to be young-looking (Green with envy)
She's a fabulous person who's almost always on the go - I guess that's the price for being a pretty and photogenic female, yet she still has time to keep some boring people like me entertained. When she's with her best friend they're a stand-up comedy, making me laugh from within. Her best friend and I have mutually agreed that without her, "our lives would be much poorer". Cheers you woman, hope to see you and your best friend down south soon!

LLJ's 'other half'!?
No, LLS is not the male counterpart of LLJ, she is LLJ's best friend. She's just as pretty and photogenic as LLJ. They've known each other since high school and have remained best of friends ever since. LLS is dead serious when it comes to her work, but behind this serious face, is a very vibrant and painfully silly LLS, who brings laughter and comfort to those around her. I am very honoured to have seen both sides of her, and the way LLS and LLJ interact with each other through good and bad times. God bless you two.

If you feel you are left out in here, please do notify me by any means. I would feel very uneasy if I did, but since I have a limited amount of space in my head, there is the odd situation of add and replace. Just to assure you, you are not forgotten if I don't have to ask you about your background time after time. However, if I DO forget you then that's a different story.

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