I apologize in advance for the swearing that was used for emphasis and grammatical errors. index finger over index finger.


we are from planet earth. a hot guy i think two girls and me and this other guy. first i believe our ship is going down and we found a different ship. we decided to go there and find some supplies that would benefit us at our time of need. it was a motherfucker--ship dark sleek and curvy like a klingon ship from star trek. we didnt bother to arm ourselfs because our computer reads that the ship is abandoned and there are no life forms on board. so we just had our shitty hand laser guns and some equipment for scanning shit. we got beamed down(did you know that....scientists have discovered the first step to teleportation!) and we landed in a pool with space junk in it. it was dark and the only sources of light came from space laterns and electrical sparks showing that the space ship has probabaly been attacked or something. i remember we are swimming in the pool and it was fucking freaky because it was dark in the water and i cant see what was under us. so we swam to the sides. the hot guy was doing some scanning and he said that this place seems to be unsafe. whatever that means. i think i was the captain with the super psychic powers. i said. "i knew this place wasnt safe ever since the spaceship came into view on our computer screen. it seems like its been invaded and the occupants of this ship is evil." my other ship mates, the girls, were yelping and screaming cause they were still in the water. they said they felt something rub against their legs. they swam quickly to the edge where we were. there was a globe or dome that started to slowly move in the water. everyone was panicking. me the psychic-calm-brave-leader said "don't worry guys. i sense that this isnt bad or evil. just wait" so the thing morphed or opened up and became a huge lifesize bug that was walking on its hind legs. i think it said " you are trapped i see. " i panicked so everyone else panicked and we tried to press the random colored steel keys in the dark at the doorways. but it wouldnt work. i was frantically pressing the keys like a mad woman who pretended to know what she was doing because i was supposed to be the smart one in the crew. the bug "no you see (in a calm darth vader/wise man voice) the passage ways are connected. there were four passageways in each corner of the place. (uhhh i can feel that i am slowly forgetting this dream) they are connected and the one in the left side is connected to the one on the other side of the room on the right side. so the doors that are diagonally facing each other are connected in coding or shit" i got it. so i did some boop boop bopp stuff on the walls where the keys were and got the door open. oh before that while the bug was explaining to us about the doors i saw some halographic images like a map of the place. wierd eh? so got through the door and than into another dark dimly lighted place. this time we were surrounded by elevators. cold dark brown steel room with darkgrey steel elevators. the bug revealed its true character. "all of these elavators lead to a legion of us. we will eat you. but one of these doors will not lead you to us." he goes away laughing like drew carey and goes down one of the elevators. i asked in outrage "But you are helping us what is the point if you are gonna eat us you dumb bitch!" Bug: in a tim curry voice "oh no its much funner this way. believe me i am trying so hard to pull myself back from you guys. much sweeter this way! wa ha haha (green mucous spitting)" he goes down the elevator. fuck we were all afraid. we thought the elevators would start opening up and and thousands of nasty smelling bugs would pour out of the elevators devouring our human flesh. we stood in the middle of the room shaking in our boots. i was thinking what a sick fucking bug race. i hate this mind game! i guess they want us to die while being entertained. fuck! we all remembered not to choose the elevator that he went down and the other elevator he showed us earlier before filled with bugs! waaa! for some reason we chose the one nearest to us. we had our lasers ready while the elavator door opened......no bugs. phew! we went in and the elevator automatically started to move. i think we were moving down. inside it was dimly lit and the elevator was huge. i guess because the bug species are huge. and it was surrounded by steel. i said " everyone get your phasers ready. when the door opens who knows what we are about to face!" i held out my phaser and realized that our phasers are toothpaste dispensers. and the stuff that we were defending ourselves with were not bullets! it was gel!!! fucking gel! that does not shoot out pretty far. soon the elevator showed us the environment outside. kinda like contact when the steel walls start to liquify and become transparent and reveal the outside. it looked like we were being shooted down to a different planet. i can see the crusty grey planet. it looked like cigarette ashes on the surface. we were surrounded by pink atmosphere and some purple too. there were streaks of smoke and sparks around us i guess because the elevator is accelerating at a high rate. the view was amazing. i remembered thinking to myself "i gotta paint this before i forget it!" and also thinking out loud " FUCK MAN! we are going down to the planet where the bugs are! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" me and my scoobydoo gang got ready with our shitass toothpaste dispensers. i was swearing so much cause i knew we were going to die. for fucks sake we had toothpaste guns! so the elavator came to a halt. everyone was nervously holding out there toothpaste guns at the door for whatever it is fucking worth. the door opens. we run out yelling like warriors and we saw tiny bug people and other people behind them. we were squeezing out our gel like mad people. (i just left computer to get some juice and i told my mom about the dream and than she said that she had a dream before about heaven. i walked quickly out of the room before she starts talking about jesus and how he should be my first priority ...lalalalala) yes we starting shooting out gel like psychos on crack. despite the fact that the environment was sunny for a change and pretty which would probably mean that the people were nice we started shooting anyway. i noticed one of the green bugs with roman empire war hats and carrying small tiny green sticks was like "fuck man . what the hell is going on?!" we disturbed their starbucks break and they turned around and started shooting stuff back at as from their cute green bug butts. it was so cute. they looked like they came right out of a disney video. we stopped because they didnt seem to be a threat to us. i was wigging out! than all of a sudden we saw humans. i was like" what the fuck is going on here!" i saw my crew mates slowly being whisked away by very attractive people. even the hot guy was entranced already by this girl. than this guy came up to me. i think he wanted to do it. i was like get the fuck away from me. tell me what is going on. what planet is this? i felt like charleton heston. i automatically thought that the humans who were seducing us were humans that went down the same elevator as us, who met the same bug. and they were probably manipulated by whatever species here into mating like fucking mice so that our species would flourish on their planet. wierd so this guy was right in front of me saying nothing and trying to rub my arms and get my shirt so that he can unbutton it. i pushed him away. "i demand to know what is this planet and state your business please! are you allies of the bugs from the spaceship above this planet? answer me!?" they wouldnt answer. the place was like tall glass + wire frame structure and outside was sandy mountains and a sunny pinky atmosphere. i knew that we were safe. and the crowd was mixed with friendly small bugs and humans. the humans seemed to be drugged and the bugs seemed to be the true habitants of the planet. no one would answer me so i shot up into the air and hovered over everyone(i have flying powers in my dreams). i asked again. and some wise guy parted the crowd and stood right below me. i knew he was a wise guy cause he had the classic beard, straight posture, hands folded in front of his tummy like a russian dancer, and a somewhat bulbus brain. i dont remember if he was a bug or a human. i came down and stood in front of him. "look there are some badass bugs upstairs who are probably coming down to attack us because they didnt get a chance to eat us. are you allies of those bugs or are you against them like we are?" i looked around for my crew mates and they were out of sight. probably fucking...i looked back at the wise guy. he couldnt understand me i think. i told someone to give me a fucking piece of paper and a pen. one of my crew members gave it to me. she looked all ruffled up. i grabbed it and started drawing the bug we saw. the drew carey one. i finished drawing it and to my surprise it looked like a cat. the crowd was like " ahhhh~HHHHH" i think they knew what i was talking about. than we started to chant and sing about how we are going to bash those bugs and triumph over them. it felt like a musical. i was flying above the crowd kinda like a conductor and the crowd below me was singing and cheering. than i woke up........yup.......thats my dream.....disturbing. man it can be a movie! i dont understand the part where the humans were trying to get it on with us. i guess they're really horny or they were brain washed to procreate or something because humans are a rare species on that planet. and also the part where the elevator was slicing through the alien pink atmosphere was the best thing i have ever saw or the best image i have ever created from my brain. overall. i think i would be an awesome space captain of a spaceship. look our picard!

Twenty something hours later: In retrospect, the somewhat sexual part of the dream might just mean that i am antsy. hmmmm. yeah that could be another way to explain that. Hey!