
Woah ho ho ho. I just found out that there is actually a band called Butt trumpet. Funny how people think alike. fickle pickle.

Now you might have asked yourself..what in bloody hell is butt trumpet? well butt trumpet is a band name that i made up. i definetely want a band. originally this band consisted of a lead singer and me the dj/sound maker person and an pending hot triangle playing guy. Anyways i just found out that my lead singer was bullshiting with me and that she never seriously thought of being in my band. She just wanted to get a kick out of seeing me being all excited about a band that really wasnt there. well i am still optimistic about my band. Currently the band consists of only me. you do realize that? i am still waiting for some people to join my amateur band.

One boring summer day i was cooped in a freezing airconditioned house. wearing my gloves,hat,scarf set and some wooly toasty socks. i felt the need to pick up a acoustic guitar and start on a new song. my first song. keep in mind that i dont know how to play the guitar and i was just randomly strumming the strings not having a clue what the hell i was doing. but i think it sound just lovely. you dont have to be a professional to make music. it took me like 10 minutes to make this song. and the song goes lika thisa:

My Supper

Our feast contains caesar salad
the caesar salad contains chruncy croutons
chrunchy crou-to-ons
chrunchy crou-to-ons
and its garlicky-ee-ee
Our feast contains pasta
the pasta contains toma-to-oes
and its garlicky-ee-ee
Our feast contains ice cream
the ice cream contains chocolate syrup
chocolate syr-rup-up
chocolate sur-rup-up
and its garlicky-ee-ee
We are famished from our finger lickin feast
amd we fell the urge to brush and floss our teeth
because our breath is garlicky-ee-ee


(goes my imaginary audience)

My friend Catriona first witnessed me creating this special song. Deep down i knew she enjoyed it even though she looked slightly disgusted.