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Welcome To Cinderella's Cat Castle And Snoopy's Snooze & Snack Shack

Cinderella's Cat Castle & Snoopy's Snooze and Snack Shack

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Behind the walls of this castle you find our tabby cat,Princess Cinderella and her knights, Smartie, the beagle; and Rocky, the terrier-mix. There is a courtjester, Speckle the gerbil, and there are also Red Monsters. Other attractions include the Royal Railroad, the Royal Garden, the Pet Chat Cafe and ....well, see for yourself once you take the tour.

UPDATE: Sadly, Speckle, the court jester passed away on Dec 17, 1999.

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Hard to believe, isn't it?
Through no fault of their own,
animals like these are abandoned 
every day!
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Join The Cool Mutts Club

Smartie and Rocky are proud Members of the
Cool Mutts Club.

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This Ring Was Made In Loving Memory Of "Mr. Chips"
is owned by Kirsten V
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Construction of the Castle and Shack started January, 1999.
Last update: April 24, 2000
