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discreet 3ds max 7

Discreet 3ds max 7 is the latest version of Discreet's award-winning modeling, animation, and rendering solution used by the world's top 3D professional artists and designers to create eye-catching visual effects, cutting-edge games, and unique design visualizations. VTC Author Michael Hurwicz guides you through visualization, construction and animation of your own 3D projects and characters, utilizing 3ds max 7's improved character creation and animation features. His expertise and easy to follow teaching style will have you creating worlds of your own in no time. To get started learning 3ds max 7 today, simply click on the links.


About This Tutorial
Overview Pt.1
Overview Pt.2
New in 3ds max 7

Getting Started

System Requirements
Setting Screen Depth
Setting Up Your Workspace
Playing Safe

Working With Objects

Viewing & Hiding
Selecting Objects Pt.1
Selecting Objects Pt.2
Named Selection Sets
Case Sensitive & Lock

Modifying Objects

Modifiers Intro
Modifier Sets
Grayed Out Buttons
Segmentation & Modifiers
Axis/Coordinate System Pt.1
Axis/Coordinate System Pt.2
Modifier Order
Instanced/Make Unique

Transforming & Cloning

Transforms Intro
Move/Reference Coordinates
Transforms: Screen Handle
Unconstrained Rotation
Numeric Transforms: Move
Numeric Transforms: Rotation
Numeric Transforms: Scale
Reset XForm
Cloning Intro
Viewing Clone Dependencies
Mirror Clone

Previewing & Rendering

Intro to Previewing & Rendering
Animation: > Make Preview
Rendering to Still-Image File Formats
Network & Background Rendering Pt.1
Network & Background Rendering Pt.2

Groups & Layers

Groups: Intro
Group: Open/Close/Ungroup/Explode
Group: Attach/Detach
Layers Toolbar
Layers Manager

Using 2D Shapes To Make 3D Objects

2D Shapes
Lathing a Line (Wine Glass)
Lathing a Circle (Helmet)
Extrude (Text & Star)
Lofted Objects: Intro
Lofting Using Multiple Shapes
Using Deformation Curves
Easy Modification of Lofts
Vertices: Corner/Bezier/Smooth

Working With Precision/To Scale

Working To Scale/Viewport Setup
Using Snaps/Snaps Toolbar Pt.1
Using Snaps/Snaps Toolbar Pt.2
Quick Align
Keyboard Entry/Align
Clone & Align
Normal Align

Surface Modeling

Introduction to Surface Modeling
Editable Mesh (Flashlight) Pt.1
Editable Mesh (Flashlight) Pt.2
Editable Patch
Editable Poly Pt.1
Editable Poly Pt.2
Paint Deformation Pt.1
Paint Deformation Pt.2
Edit Poly Modifier
Paint Soft Selection

Materials & Maps

Intro to Materials/Maps & Shaders
Using Bitmap Maps
Save Scene Materials in Library
Save from Material Editor to Library
Put Material to Library
Tiling & Offset
Procedural Maps Intro
Blur/Blur Offset
Put Material to Scene
Reflection & Refraction
Bump (Noise)
Specular Map (Falloff/Gradient)
Opacity (Falloff)
Opacity (Gradient/Noise)
Diffuse Map (Mix/Splat/Cellular)
Multi/Sub-Object Materials/Material IDs
Changing Material IDs of Sub-Objects
Using Shapes to Set Material IDs
Attaching Objects Creates MSO Materials
The Ink'N'Paint Material
The Unwrap UVW Modifier Pt.1
The Unwrap UVW Modifier Pt.2
Mask (Falloff/Waves)
mental ray Materials (DGS) Pt.1
mental ray Materials (DGS) Pt.2

Animation - Introduction

Animation/Scene Setup
Animation: Auto Key
Animation: Set Key
Deleting & Editing Keys
Key Filters

Basic Cameras & Lights

Standard Cameras (Target/Free)
Controls (Dolly/Perspective)
Controls (Roll/Orbit/Pan/Truck/FOV)
Parameters (Show Cone/Clipping Planes)
Standard Free Light
Standard Target Light
Aligning Cameras & Lights
Near & Far Attenuation
Omni (Exclude)
Projector Maps
Daylight Pt.1
Daylight Pt.2
Daylight Pt.3

Atmospheric Effects

Fire Effect Pt.1
Fire Effect Pt.2
Fire Effect Pt.3
Volume Fog
Fog Pt.1
Fog Pt.2
Fog Pt.3
Volume Light

Rigging Intro

Skin & Bones Pt.1
Skin & Bones Pt.2
Control Objects
Custom Attributes Pt.1
Custom Attributes Pt.2
MAXScript: degToRad
Attribute Holder Modifier
Parameter Collector Pt.1
Parameter Collector Pt.2
Parameter Collector Pt.3

Bones - Skinning - Rigging

Creating the Dolphin Bones Pt.1
Creating the Dolphin Bones Pt.2
Creating the Dolphin Bones Pt.3
Naming the Bones
Bones Linking - Forward Kinematics (FK)
Creating a Center of Mass
Creating Control Objects Pt.1
Creating Control Objects Pt.2
Creating Control Objects Pt.3
Creating Control Objects Pt.4
Creating Control Objects Pt.5
Making Bones Non-Renderable
Skinning Pt.1
Skinning Pt.2
Skinning Pt.3
Locking Down Bones
Locking Down Control Objects Pt.1
Locking Down Control Objects Pt.2
Custom Attributes Pt.1
Custom Attributes Pt.2
Correcting the Hierarchy
Using the Rig Pt.1
Using the Rig Pt.2
Inverse Kinematics Pt.1
Inverse Kinematics Pt.2
Inverse Kinematics Pt.3
Combining FK & IK Pt.1
Combining FK & IK Pt.2
Limiting IK - Creating Bones
Limiting IK - Skinning
Limiting IK - IK Limits

Reaction Manager

Intro to Reaction Manager
Adding/Moving/Scaling & Deleting States
Create Mode
Edit Mode
Editing States Numerically
List Controller with Reaction Mgr.Pt.1
List Controller with Reaction Mgr.Pt.2
Create State
Using Reaction Mgr.& IK - Expose TM Pt.1
Using Reaction Mgr.& IK - Expose TM Pt.2

Animation - Motion Controllers

Motion Controllers - Introduction
List Controllers
Animation Menu - Controllers
Trajectories Pt.1
Trajectories Pt.2
Track View - Curve Editor Pt.1
Track View - Curve Editor Pt.2
Track View - Dope Sheet Pt.1
Track View - Dope Sheet Pt.2

Particles - Space Warps - Morphs - VP

Particle Systems - Basics & Presets
SuperSpray Particle System Pt.1
SuperSpray Particle System Pt.2
Materials for Particles
Space Warps - Overview & Creating
Dynamics - Bouncing a Sphere
PDeflector - Bouncing Particles
Particle Flow Pt.1
Particle Flow Pt.2
Morph Compound Object
Morpher Modifier
Video Post Pt.1
Video Post Pt.2


Rigid Bodies Pt.1
Rigid Bodies Pt.2
Rigid Bodies Pt.3
Creating Initial Velocity
Soft Bodies Pt.1
Soft Bodies Pt.2
Soft Bodies Pt.3

Low Poly Modeling - Animation - Maps

Skin Wrap Modifier Pt.1
Skin Wrap Modifier Pt.2
Skin Wrap Modifier Pt.3
Skin Wrap - Face Limit
Skin Wrap Local Parameters Pt.1
Skin Wrap Local Parameters Pt.2
Skin Wrap Local Parameters Pt.3
Skin Wrap Local Parameters Pt.4
Skin Wrap Patch Modifier
Normal Maps Pt.1
Normal Maps Pt.2


About the Author