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Titanic Facts

John Jacob Astor brought his cat aboard Titanic.
It cost $3.12 to send a wireless
$1 to take a Turkish Bath

Captin Smith's Salary was only $6,250 per year.
Plus an extra $1,000 if he kept his safty record clear. (Well scratch that off)

"MGY" were the call letters for The Titanic when using the wireless.
During the building of Titanic, a shipyard worker was crushed to death.

It took 26 months to build. It weighs 66,000 tons and is 882.5 feet long and
92.5 feet wide or you could say she was 11 stories high and four city blocks

There were 3 million rivets on the Titanic and 16 lifeboats which can hold a
total of 1178 people.
Exact number of survivors-705.

-Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller, he went to command a destroyer
during World War 1.

3 dogs survived the sinking.

One survivor, Charlotte Cardeza, sued for $177,352 worth of lost luggage.

The ship sank in 2 hours and 40 minutes.

Lumps of coal, the size of a jelly bean, from Titanic's gravesite goes for

Wallace Henry Hartly- Bandmaster
Theodore Brailey- Pianist
Roger Bricoux- Cellist
Fred Clark- Bass Violist
Jock Hume- First Violist

Benjamine Guggenheim & his valet, both dressed in evening clothes remarked "We've dressed in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen."

As Jack and Rose headed for the back of Titanic while the sinking, they are pass a preacher praying. The real preacher abord Titanic was Reverend Thomas R. Byles. He was a 2nd class passenger.(Stern Preacher)

Each anchor chain weighed 175 pounds.

Gross Tonage= 46,328 tons
Net Tonage= 24,900 tons

Total Deck Capacity= 3,547
passengers & crew, fully loaded.

Beam= 92.5 feet/28 meters
Height= 60.5 feet waterline to boatdeck, 175 feet keenl to top funnels.

Steam Pressure= 215 P.S.I.