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< The Jointhead Webring

~Guidelines for joining the ring~
  • ~Must be Marijuana related~
  • ~Must place HTML code on page~
  • ~Smoke a fat joint before submiting your page~
< ATTN: Effective now, for pages submitted after 1/27/99 You must place the ring panel on your main page. NOT ON A SEPERATE WEBRING PAGE!

If you can meet these easy guidelines you can join the ~jointhead~ webring! And for a limited time recieve a free dimebag of the greenest funk in cyberspace for each page submission to the ring.(well not really) Heres what the panel looks like.

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Your HTML code will be sent soon after you submit your page. PLEASE DO NOT LOOSE IT. This is a fairly new ring so whenever you get the chance tell everyone how cool this ring is and tell them to join! Thank you for your submission into the ~jointhead~ webring! And If you have any questions fell free to contact us.



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to go into FREE virtual ~jointhead~ chat. A basment, some funk, and some good conversation
I play metal to folk. Browse, smoke, and jam one TheLounge101. Check it out!

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