MY life

My life is an open book. Mainly there are my stories and dedications. Click around and see what I have so far.
(last updated May 1999)

(links deleted December 20)

OOOPS! The links are gone! Where'd they go? Well... I've come to a point in my life (actually, I did a year ago, but was too lazy to get this written up here) where I don't feel that I need to write about certain TYPES of things. Eventually, I will have some of my spotless stories re-posted, but for now, everything is gone. If you were in the process of reading something of mine, there are some things I'd like to explain to you. Email me at the link below. You all are wonderful. Please visit my other page: The ASU Zone! I worked hard on it, and I think you'll like it. Thank you very much!
(re-updated on December 20)

My Chatroom I made this to resemble the one my boyfriend and I met in

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