Judaism and Jewish Resources on the Web

  • A to Z list of Jewish Resources on the Web
  • The Israel Information Service
  • NYSERNET's list of Judaism and Jewish Resources
  • Columbia's list of Judaism and Jewish Resources
  • Yahoo: Society and Culture:Religion:Judaism
  • Global Jewish Networking - Jewish Servers and Archives
  • Judaica Collection
  • Jerusalem One Gopher - Extensive text-based information.
  • The Accounts of Shai Israel Mandel
  • Indigo's Favorite Jewish Resources
  • The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
  • AJSJ: Alliance for Judiasm and Social Justice W3 Page Judaica Collection at Carnegie Mellon University. This page has many other links and is updated quite often.
  • Ultra Information Base - Another site with lots of links to updated information on Israel and Jewish topics.

    The Jerusalem Mosaic -- This is the homepage for the Jerusalem Mosaic which is a project of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. This server is loaded with information and links. It even will allow you to download the music to Hatikvah!

    JewishNet -- The Global Jewish Networking Project at Ben Gurion University in the gorgeous Negev.

    Macom Networking -- A cool server from Israel. Several different links including The Israel Musuem, a Free Ron Arad page, Stamps of Israel, the Tel Aviv Musuem of Art, the Chagall Exhibit, and more!

    The Jerusalem Post -- The newspaper from Israel

    The Jerusalem Fellowships -- Founded in 1984, the Jerusalem Fellowships is a dynamic field study experience for Jewish college students and young professionals, aged 19-29. The Jerusalem Fellowships awards scholarships to young men and women so that they can learn about and experience Judaism and tour Israel while living in the heart of Jerusalem.

    Shamash Project Main Gopher -- This gopher gives access to The American Jewish Congress, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation (the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life), and more!

    Virtual Tour of Israel

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