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This was a message written in runny white paint on the east side of a railway bridge over the Victoria road in West Ryde, Sydney. I’d seen it many times over the years and would often wonder why someone had braved hanging dangerously over a bridge to gradually burn the message into the minds of all passers-by. “THE JAILS ARE THE CRIME”, it echoed in my mind for years, even after it was painted over, every time I go under that bridge I still read the invisible sign. What was their sad experience that necessitated this cry of anger and despair? What sense of hopelessness prompted this paradoxical statement? Why should the jails be the crime? My ponderings over the years has lead me to conclude that the statement is intrinsically true, the jails are the crime.
It’s a simple fact, those that transgress the law have to be punished. Or is it so simple?

Early laws were probably rules devised by tribal elders to stop the fighting between kinsmen. The first rules would more than lightly have concerned the ownership of a female. The woman would have be bound to a man in a ceremony performed for the acceptance of the tribal gods. The gods were asked to protect the marriage thereby hopefully scaring off all other prospective suitors with their own superstitions. The success of this approach would also have extended to the possession of foods, and after it was realised that food could be grown in the ground, land would have also become protected by the gods. Now the gods didn’t punish trespassers quickly enough for some, so ritualised punishment evolved, again done before the gods, on the premise it was done for the gods. It was the angry gods who seeked revenge and everybody involved were just carrying out the wishes of those gods. So these ‘punishers’ were servants of the gods and not themselves guilty of harming others. They were seen as the chosen interpreters and enforcers of the gods wishes and probably were also the biggest land holders. From these simple beginnings kinghood evolved along with their claims to all the surrounding land. The kings were regarded as the chief representative of the gods but any sacrificial ceremonies were conducted by underlings according to the kings wishes. This was the beginning of the priestly class whose main function was to keep the general population scared of their gods and in awe of their king, who naturally was chosen by their gods to be their leader. Land far away from the kings immediate supervision was loaned to the kings friends and relatives in return for a percentage of its production and a promise to aid the king against attacks from his enemies. In these outlying areas loyalty to the king was maintained by the priests thus hindering attempts by the war lords to keep all the produce for themselves. Unfortunately for the kingly class as the various tribes intermingled the number of gods to appease became less until it was accepted by many that there was only one or two supreme gods. Consequently lots of kings lost their jobs in the fight to find the true representative of these gods. Then, as would always happen, dissension in the interpretation of the wishes of a god led to offshoots of interpreters who would themselves nominate a king and that king became beholden to the priestly caste for his survival. All this time the various general populations were being controlled by both the priestly caste and the king and his warlords. Most of the tribes people were probably quite happy with this arrangement as long as it didn’t upset their lives too much. Probably when a king needed support against an enemy he would accuse that enemy of defaming the god of his people thus ensuring their help to fight the infidel, the unbeliever. As time progressed the peoples belief in a participating god diminished, resulting in a weaker priestly influence and a faltering belief in the power of the king. Later the people began to exercise an expression of interest in how they were governed and elected among themselves ordinary people to form a government. These governments reduced the money paid to the kings and priestly classes and also promoted private enterprise which in turn promoted wealth and health to many of the people. Modern commerce began to dominate everything.

As competition between various populations increased more effort was needed from the populace by their governing bodies, so greater control was introduced to steer their activity more precisely. Laws restricting their movement were thought up and reasons given were usually termed for the better of the whole country or for king and country or for god, or even for no reasons at all. After a hard days work many of the people would relax with some form of alcohol and any beverage that took the people’s mind off working was tolerated if its effects wore off overnight and didn’t generally affect their ability to work the next day. Subsequently many of the populace who didn’t quite like all the new restrictive laws took chemicals that made them feel outside of these laws. Some of these chemicals were so good at showing a nicer world that when they returned from that world, a desire to go back took precedence over other activities. This infection of freedom often resulted in the ultimate freedom, death. Suppliers and users of these chemicals were jailed and a whole new industry was created to find and lock them up. This employed many of the people who would previously have been employed fighting the enemies of the king and his country. Unfortunately locking people up is basically unproductive and drains the public purse, and eventually it becomes necessary to empty the jails and release those associated with the illegal chemicals. Jails are so expensive to maintain that the ‘crime’ is as much the cost involved in their upkeep as well as the denial of individuals freedom of choice. But the ‘crime’ always overlooked is the employment of people to hurt other people, all in the name of the gods and their various laws.

The relaxing of the drug laws should see a decrease in the associated criminal activity. The largest amount of crime is committed by men, approximately 80 to 95%, showing that it is a biological effect that causes the criminal behaviour and not just a social one. This implies that most men at some time will commit crime, yet it's the poor men who’s crimes are the more obvious that contribute most to fill the jails. It also means that male police might commit as much crime as any other man and because of their protected position in society might be inclined to commit even more. Therefore, any DNA bank should include at least 3 separate samples taken from every police person. With this in mind its possible to predict that women will probably one day make up the majority of policers.

At some point in the future certain things should be accepted as the norm in much the same way as homosexuality is now considered a matter of choice. Forty years ago the general stance on homosexuality in males was one of both illegality and disgust, forty years before that it was something else, probably adultery, that had the public morals defenders working overtime. One day the laws on rape might be revised or removed from the statute book. This a the moment might sound preposterous but probably no more than allowing any sex between any consenting adults was forty years ago. At some point, forty, eighty years ahead, hopefully no sex crime will result in a jail sentence simply because sex crimes are all biologically driven. It’s dubious justice to jail someone for their genetic make-up. Eventually a new medically based science will have to be created to deal with these types of 'crime'.

Natural male behaviour and the laws against it serve only to augment the power of those that make them. This natural lopsided distribution of power causes ‘crime’, which is basically men fighting men for power share. Power comes in many guises and the most sought after is usually wealth, which when coupled with good health probably produces wisdom. Wisdom is an ability to know how to hold onto your money even after death. Again, all sex crimes are biological and eventually should not treated by the courts at all. For a male to have sex he must have a external stimulation to get an erection and therefore cannot be responsible for the degree of that stimulus. This is rarely taken into consideration, the male is usually held responsible mainly because he penetrates when in fact the female also envelops. The point being is that the reason for the external stimulation is so that the vagina can clutch a penis and stimulate an ejaculation of semen. Some men see a woman’s attractiveness as an advertisement of her fertility, and rape is essentially forced mating. Rape might well be the result of religious teaching which forbids fornication, in societies where there is no stigma attached to free sexual practise, rape is supposedly virtually non existent. It is interesting that after alcohol and drugs the supposed next prevalent condition in rape accusations is the extreme religious views of the accused.* Most males have a driving urge to plant their semen inside a vagina, as do most vaginas have the inclination to receive it, probably mating is the most powerful force in any society, obviously without it nothing exists. Divergent sex might well be the consequence of a sexually restrained society which puts some men under extreme pressure and that pressure would eventually be released somehow, anyhow, and as with any raw power when released uncontrolled, damage can result. Probably all male activities are fundamentally regulated by their testosterone levels, coupled with other extraneous circumstances like environment, so to hold a male totally responsible for his sexual practices is doubtful as they are a solely biological behaviour. In any society, 'normal' sexual behaviour cannot exist without some abnormal behaviour, as with everything, all good and bad are in tandem, permanently.


The most dangerous individual in any society is the child killer/rapist, every parents worst fear. Next would be the adolecent/adult killer/rapist followed by the killer then the child rapist and then the adolecent/adult rapist. Probably 95% of these and other crimes are testosterone related, and if you include the women who kill men because of their testosterone behaviour towards them, the figure would probably get close to 99%. In a country like Australia with a population of around twenty million people there are roughly 500 murders a year committed by 500 murderers. That means there is in any given year one murderer for every forty thousand people. Out of those 500 murders approximately 50 are sex related, so 1 sex murderer for every 400,000 people in any given year. Seeing as the majority of victims of sex murders are female between puberty and middle age this means a womans chances of getting killed by a rapist are roughly one in 200,000. Her chances of getting raped are about 1 in 8,000. Various womens groups suggest a figure as low as 1 in 4 but that has more to do with their definition of the word ‘rape’ which in its extreme implies all sex with men is rape. Some American rape figures indicate a 40%** to 50% incidence of false rape reports which if true might mean a lot of men are in jail simply because some women don’t like uncaring testosterone powered individuals. In the last 40 years men have seen their power base eroded by women. In many western societies it was the accepted right of husbands and breadwinners to punish their wife and children as they saw fit, this right going back to the days of cave dwelling. It was strengthened later by written religious laws and the marriage ceremony which had the bride promise to obey her husband. The advent of economies that rely on women working has brought them power and a larger degree of freedom, though equal power with men can never happen unless women start to over produce or inject testosterone, but then they stop being women. This period in history is the first that gave women real power to have some control over men, and they do it by using other men to police them.


Crime as such is a normal function of any large society and appears to wax and wane regardless of any policing methods. Its containment has always been based on punishment when often punishment is expensive both financially and emotionally. Because of the high amount of alcohol/testosterone induced crime, treating the cause rather than the effect should become the priority. Though to put some one in jail and let the populace feel the satisfaction of revenge is important, but the time has come to treat the criminal as a normal biological problem. In the past the tight social fabric of a community was the overseer of its members behaviour but since the power shift of the male/female combination towards the female end of the of spectrum the order established by the old religious laws have become obsolete in many societies. A wife's protection is her husband's first responsibility but with the advent of later marriages the protector still used by many of these older women is the police. Even after marriage some women instinctively call for help from them first, so the police are seen as the enemy by many men because they are basically seen as another man interfering between a man and the woman bound to him in the presence of the gods. The male wants to assert his dominant role assigned to him by his testosterone but is frustrated by what he sees as outside male interference. This increases the his anger and also increases the chance of an arrest and the marriage breaking up. After the marriage is annulled by the courts the wife seeks continued protection from the aggrieved drinking husband and will go to some length to obtain it, including stopping any custodial visits by claiming sexual abuse of the children by the father. This has become an epidemic form of attack by many women which has produced the urban myth of the child assaulting father, unfortunately sullying the bond between many fathers and their children in the minds of many people. In one study it is estimated about 2% *** of natural fathers have sexual contact with their offspring while stepfathers account for over 40% of sexual contact, which is probably with girls aged between 12 and 20. Naturally if the second husband found the mother attractive he might also find the same for the daughters, unless he helped bring them up from early childhood and the normal child father bond had time to evolve. It appears that the step father finds it hard to bond with the son of another man and his natural urge would probably be to somehow get rid of that offspring as he and the boy are really biological enemies. In apes and lions when the alpha male is displaced it’s not unusual for the new comer to kill any young sired by the vanquished male. So why should it be any different for humans? The high incidence of de facto husbands killing the sons of prior husbands suggests it isn’t.


Welfare allows many women with children to leave their spouse and still receive an income ensuring their independence. Unfortunately, because it's never enough, it also ensures their poverty and as most crime is the natural redistribution of wealth most poor young males are more actively engaged pursuing it. Property theft happens in all species, humans call it ‘crime’ and thereby making redress possible, which often entails prison. As some societies become wealthier more police are employed and more crime is reported so more people are arrested. Inevitably a large proportion of taxes is spent feeding people locked in large buildings and guarded by other people, resulting in a huge portion of a country's wealth being spent protecting the richer people from the poorer people. Finally a state of war exist within the community, war on crime, war on drugs, slogans that should really read ‘war on poor’. As the cities get older and lose their value the poor congregate there, which does allow for greater control by the authorities but as this control increases the pressure builds up resulting in riots and property damage and more arrests and more prisons and more and more police and less jobs. If it were possible to distribute the money spent on the ‘justice’ system to the poor its conceivable that less ‘crime’ might be the result but to date no system has been devised to lower crime other than having a good paying job, and good paying jobs only arise when wealthy people create them. So being poor and having testosterone flowing through your system means there's a good chance you will end up in prison or in the army. Armies are still used by countries to defend their wealth or acquire wealth from other countries. These countries at one time used their young men to ‘invade’ their neighbours to acquire wealth in much the same way street gangs forage in local neighbourhoods seeking loot. Same problem, different scale. Is it a problem or could it be just a natural order?

As western societies grow wealthier it means that peace is prevalent and war is in decline. The main fighter on both sides in a war is the young male waiting to become a hero, his chance for assessing himself against his companions and his adversaries will be his measure of his manhood. This won’t happen in peace time but another war can be found with an enemy capable of killing and being killed. Crime fighters against criminals are the next best thing. Good fights evil, but which one is really the good guy? Most would think it was obvious, mainly because we have been brought up with the idea that the good guys are always the police, but what happens when the police are tools of an overly restrictive government, which sometimes happens in newly emerging democracies? When the alcohol prohibition laws were introduced in America in the 1920’s initially the police enforced them. Because a government makes laws usually for the benefit of its citizens it makes it hard to discern when they are actually made against them, but the police still have to enforce them. Its conceivable that in the near future the laws on illicit drugs will be relaxed and the drug pusher will be superseded by multinational drug manufacturers, dispensing life saving quality controlled products. The problem governments face is the ire of all those people successfully brain washed from early childhood who believe that drug pushers are evil, their whole value system will be undermined. Yet it has to and will eventually happen. The cost to any society of imprisoning so many of its young men is immeasurably damaging to the well-being of that society. The pain goes on for generations. All governments seem to believe they are there to restrict movement when in actual fact they should be there to free it up and let the natural laws of supply and demand take effect. The answer to other property 'crime' is probably simple. It could be to stop all continuous direct welfare payments to people medically capable of working unless they participate in an education program. (Pregnant women and mothers rearing children under the school age are doing the most important job in any society, they usually just don't get paid enough.). Welfare payments help imprison its recipients in a wall of mediocrity, it stops them from trying to break free and it has forced men to stop being responsible for their families welfare. It also promotes drug dependency and making drugs illegal helps promotes this dependency. The best help is self help and the best self help is usually a good paying job. Community help needs to be promoted by giving people the opportunity to help the stragglers within their group. People need to feel compassion towards their neighbours as much for their own well-being as the recipients.

Therefore the time has arrived to give children and prisoners the right to vote. It took a 100 years for women to get the vote so it should take less for children and until all people have a free vote, one that isn’t compulsory, democracy is hindered. It might be that the child’s guardian would vote for the child until the age of provable financial independence. This would give those with the responsibility of bringing up children a greater say in government, promotion of the species must be the primary objective. Many westernised governments have made it so expensive to have children that their populations are in decline and consequently they have to import labour from developing countries. This helps both the developing countries and the host country by it expatriates gaining wealth and knowledge and sending it back home. In return the host country gains amongst others things small amounts of diverse genetic material for its gene pool. But what is really needed is a financial incentive to have babies and not a hindrance as exists now. Parents of two or more children should be rewarded with much lower taxes to enable them to afford to spend more time with their growing young. With out these young, in countries like China and Japan, euthanasia (youth in asia) will become necessary within 30 years because there won’t be the younger people to look after the old people. It’s almost inevitable in China with its one child per couple policy.

It is unlikely that 3rd World populations will decline by lowering 1st World fertility.

Maybe in a hundred years from now male clones will be given the right to vote and the jails will be empty.

May 12th 1999
Bronte NSW
Bernard Palmer

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