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Many nights I dream i'm being taken from my home by an angry mob carrying burning torches. I'm begging them not to take me but it never makes a difference, they force me to go by dragging and kicking and hitting me. I'm taken to the center of town to a large pile of wood with a stake in the center of it. I know what is about to happen... I'm tied to the stick, then accused of being a witch and causing all kinds of terrible things to have happened to the villagers. I try to plea my innocence and explain but it never works, they take the torches and burn the woodpile. I look at each of their faces, most simply look away and refuse to look me in the eye. Then I close my eyes and know i'm about to die but surprisingly, there is no pain. I do not feel my body burning. When I open my eyes, it is a new life and time and it is then that I realize I survived and death is not to be feared, for those who fear death fear life and those who are not afraid to die are not afraid to live! Please Remember, Never Again The Burning Times!!! KS copyright 1999

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