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You have Reached the Things I Hate.
This page is not hate propaganda. I am in no way encouraging hatred. I am encouraging free thinking, and action against oppression.
If anything that you see or read on this page offends you--
GOOD!!! Take Offense!!
You REALLY suck, and deserve to be offended!

People ask me why im so Hateful, dont know-
guess its just part of my nature!

I Hate Therefore I AM!

a few things i hate.....
people in general
(particular people)
frat boys
sorority sluts
people who have been offended by my pages

I Don't Need Your Hate, I Decide My Fate!!

-Pseudo Morals work real well on the talk shows for the Weak; but your selective judgements and goodguy badges DON'T MEAN A F*CK TO ME!'

Here Are Some Links to Some Really Bad Pages
Back to My Home Page
If you have any complaints, comments, suggestions/ or Rants E-Mail Me!