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Some of My Favorite Irish Links

Current time in Belfast and Dublin is (Does not account for daylight savings time)

News in Real Audio and Video

"I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer."

- Brendan Behan

Music to set your ears on fire
24 hours a day 7 days a week

Net Celtic - Real Audio or visit the site Net Radio

If you have Real Player you can look at these live traffic cameras in Belfast:
Great Victoria Street
The Grosvenor Road
Shaftesbury Square
Victoria Street

Radio Ulster News

Have a listen to talk back radio from Norn Iron

Holywood, County Down, N. Ireland
Holywood on the Internet
Belfastnet - What's going on in Belfast
The Ultimate Belfast Webpage
Global Gateway Television Northern Ireland
Send a Hello over the radio to your family and friends in Norn Iron
Access Ireland
Browse Ireland
Ireland Today
The On-Line Irish Bookstore
Ireland for Visitors

The Irish News - Belfast
The Belfast Telegraph Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland News
The Irish Times
R.T.E. On- Line
Pics of Ireland
Send someone a Norn Iron Postcard!

Live video in the Crown Bar Belfast (you'll wait for a while here for a pint)
How to buy a Guinness - A Tutorial for Beginners
Send a GUINNESS Postcard
Irish Pub Guide - Irish Pubs around the world
The Virtual Irish Pub
Irish recipes(well, you have to have something with the Black Stuff)

Cool FM Belfast in Real Audio
Jukebox of Irish Bands and Artists
Well....if you're into U2...Click here!
Other Irish Musicians

Ireland Online
The Irish Internet Hub
It's Ireland!...Erin Go Browse!!!
The Ultimate list of Irish Sites!( least so far)
Irish Internet Sites
Doras Irish Internet Directory
Celtic Resources on the Web
Irish History on the Web
History of the Irish Race
Ireland Earth-Lore
New baby? dog?...give it an Irish name
Irish Surnames and their meanings
Have you got distant relations in Ireland...Find them here

Diane's page on Ireland. Take your time here
One fiery Irish Redhead...and a great page....
Some Homepages from Norn Iron

Internet Cafe Ireland
Tir na nOg Internet Cafe

The Battle of Aughrim

Swift Guide to Ireland


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