You have reached the magical land of stupid crap!!

Go to strange and stupid places, take meaningless tests, and answer pointless poll questions! I love this place!

Time Wasting Stupidness

Find out what day of the week you were born on The Love Calculator Get a Fortune Cookie Love_O_Meter Get the answers from the Crystal Ball>

Tests, Tests, Tests!

...but you will never see these in school... Purity Test (I scored 85.5% corrupt) Insanity Test (I scored 85% insane) Freak Test (I am not a freak) Teenybopper test (I hate those types. 89% non-teenybopper) Niceness test (I am only 40% nice!) Sleaze Test (I am going straight to hell. That's what it said!) Childhood Trauma test (I am 74.3% traumatized) Are You God? (I am)

Do you need to be abused? Click here for mind numbing suicide inducing insults

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